Quote Originally Posted by asuratman View Post
Hi Tom,
What we need to buy to run linux stepper or servo ?
You can use either. It just needs a different controller board. Tommy is the master of budget builds and I know he favours high quality steppers. Others are using Servos with good results. Go to the main LinuxCNC site and follow your nose to the HTML Documents for V 2.8 (which will soon become the release version) or V 2.9 (the development version) and look at the chapters for the PlasmaC User Guide and the Plasma Cutting Primer for LinuxCNC Users for more info.

What sets LinuxCNC's Plasmac configuration apart is that its much more than a THC, its a complete plasma controller that uses LinuxCNC's motion controller to manage the THC function and a custom plasma controller screen. Plasmac is so tightly integrated into the overall system, nothing gets close to matching its feature set. or its performance. For less than $200 of hardware, you can have a complete plasma controller with integrated high performance THC. But if you have a Proma or other similar external THC, that's OK, you can use it too!

Furthermore, there has never been a better documented LinuxCNC configuration in the history of the open source project.

I've ordered a bunch of parts today and hope to be building a reference controller which hope will be fully documented as part of this major development.