BTW, Ebay has decent deal on servo/drives if you're looking for a replacement for the BlackMax.

Just look for something in the 90-130mm frame size, and look for LONG servos. They usually aren't titled very well, but it's amazing how fast you can scan for motor plates and find something in the 220-300V range. Check for max speed, and amps. You'll get an idea of what's available in the sub-$200 range and then go hunting for a drive.

The drive is the tricky part, as there aren't many with 240V 1P inputs and high amps on the used market. The Parker Gemini series appears to be about the highest one I could find - the GV12 or H20 are the ticket, and unlike some of the other drive mfgrs Parker's user manual is pretty friendly for non-OEM installations. Good luck with a Fanuc manual.

Find a drive before settling on a motor, and see if the user manual is still available. Don't buy anything way old - getting a replacement shouldn't be a major chore.