My My research indicates it was EdgeCam that bought out the SurfCam products from the original developers. Many of these software packages has one or two gems in the program, the competitors would like, and rather than develop, they buy. Is there anyone with history on these 2 products?
Steve C

Quote Originally Posted by Vegabond View Post

I have been using Edgecam for several years now. And there is some bugs... But Vero software, that`s making Edgecam, has come with two software release each year (Edgecam R1 and Edgecam R2) And they also come with up to 10-15 Service updates for them.
So Edgecam is a program that is keeping forward with newer things and updates, that also causes bugs....

Some of the bugs you are telling here, picking entities etc.. may causes by a bad graphic card driver. So try to check for some new/better drivers.

The resellers, I have been told on the forum here that the resellers many places are very bad. Im from Norway, and i need to tell you people that i think we have the best reseller for Vero/Edgecam. They are amazing!
BUT, if you have problem with the resellers, TALK TO VERO SOFTWARE! tell them what problems you have!

Contact Vero Software | Vero Software

I use Edgecam almost every day in the week, and i have a perfect job (for me with modelling, programming and machining. And i love Edgecam.
It is some bugs, but every program has that.
Vero have a system that customers can report bugs or problems to them to fix the issues.

Sorry for hearing that you don`t get help. But try to contact Vero, and tell everything!

Greetings from Robert.