I would say that a device that is controlled by AI has an autonomous freedom to decide about an outcome irrespective of the directive given, the only constraint is that it will be switched off if the outcome is not favourable to the directive.

A slave in that scenario would be under the threat of 100 lashes if he/she did not comply with an order even though there is a freedom of thought to disobey.

That means that if you apply AI to any situation you get a number of choices for an outcome beyond your control and provided you were in tune with the AI then the outcome will happen.

AI therefore must have a 100% loyalty factor to the director that overrides any need to think outside of the box......that means you no longer have intelligence just compliance and CNC is at that stage right now.

You can of course have an AI loose cannon that thinks for itself, but who would want to have that type of dictator in your proximity.

I watched the film Oblivion with wotsis name being a drone technician and the drones flying around all over the place deciding what to zap etc.....if that is the result of applying AI we will be doomed.

We do not understand what makes the Human mind tick but we want to have an artificial one that thinks for itself.....if that is not the blind leading the blind I don't know what is.