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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by islaww View Post
    I also will have to call you out a bit. I am not a Centroid contractor. I am an independent system builder. Since 2015 I have built systems using UCCNC, ShopBot, WinCNC and Centroid Acorn controllers and have "been approved" in one form or another by the mfgr. I build what customers desire, I have no need to push any brand of controller, unless one has a feature that the others may not. Fact is, that I actually will make a few dollars less on an Acorn system than one running UCCNC simply because the controller costs less.

    End of 2017 I stopped using SB controllers, due to comm errors and the fact I could use UCCNC to replace it at a lower cost to my customers. Even tho UCCNC was not as smooth or adjustable as WinCNC, it cost a lot less, so I sell more systems. I didn't drop UCCNC until after I had proven to my self that Centroid Acorn far outperformed UCCNC. It offers me the adjustability to fine tune for smooth motion, equal to that which is offered by WinCNC at a much lower cost.

    You seem to make a number of unqualified comparative analyses between Acorn and UCCNC, hardware and software. Have you actually ever purchased and used one? I have. I personally would not judge a controller that I haven't installed on at least a half dozen machines. Routers, mills, lathes and numerous specialty machines.

    I can honestly say that after building at least a half dozen UCCNC systems and testing them, reporting bugs, getting assistance from advanced US users and from developer support, that although UCCNC outperforms ShopBot at a lower price, it has no where near the motion control abilities of WinCNC or Centroid Acorn. And if customization is your forte, UCCNC doesn't have anything on WinCNC, with the added bonus that it does not require any programming or script language to customize, or write a macro for that matter.
    Yup, ofcourse your opinion is that as you are a Centroid contractor so ofcourse Centroid is the best in your mind, no matter if it has late 80s interface and is no customisable and less features than others. Ofcourse it is the best, because it makes money for you.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by OlfCNC View Post
    Yup, ofcourse your opinion is that as you are a Centroid contractor so ofcourse Centroid is the best in your mind, no matter if it has late 80s interface and is no customisable and less features than others. Ofcourse it is the best, because it makes money for you.
    At first I would have assumed you weren't paying attention, but now it seems that you may have difficulty reading the English language. I will repeat: They all make money for me. I have no favorites. That said, controls that fall out of favor, like UCCNC, only do so because they are problematic and/or cause me to lose customer credibility. I will say this slow, just for you: I don't use UCCNC because the machines run better on other controllers. Period.

    You haven't answered my question. Have you tried Centroid control, or are you simply an internet fanboy that pretends to give qualified opinions based on a total lack of comparative experience? Why don't you be honest and say: "I have never tried it, but I know it's no good."
    Gary Campbell CNC Technology & Training
    GCnC411 (at) gmail.com www.youtube.com/user/Islaww1/videos

  3. #23

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    I landed on UCCNC after running Mach3 for years (with ESS), then demoing Mach4, LinuxCNC, and Acorn as I tried to move into a modern platform. My neighbor has a machine with LinuxCNC that I taught him how to run, I see no major benefits of LinuxCNC at this point, in fact for my (computer illiterate) neighbor it’s been a bit of a nightmare.

    Mach3 can run very reliably. I’ve run it for days on end without issue. I do have an IT background and perhaps I’m more able to troubleshoot than many.

    I was tired of Mach3’s tired interface and tricky update cycle in regards to Windows updates. I run Linux everyday, I run OSX everyday, and I run Windows everyday. I can build any PC I want with any OS I want.

    What sold me on UCCNC? Windows interface. I want to run Fusion on my controller. Then it was the ability to customize. UCCNC beat out Acorn there.

    It’s that simple for me. Motion control on my mill was good with Mach3, it was better with all the newer softwares.

    For the record, I regularly operate a Haas VF2, not that it’s a great machine by modern standards, but it blows my hobby machine out of the water. The motion control isn’t something I’m worried about, even comparing it to the Haas, but my hobby machine has bigger issues than motion control.

    For the record, I have no reason to fight for any controller software. I pay for everything I own. I don’t work for any of the mentioned companies, I’m not sponsored or emotionally invested. What works for you is a personal choice and I think its really dumb to spend your time advocating for a company that you’ve paid to use their product. In summary, this is the most honest assessment I can provide.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by islaww View Post
    At first I would have assumed you weren't paying attention, but now it seems that you may have difficulty reading the English language. I will repeat: They all make money for me. I have no favorites. That said, controls that fall out of favor, like UCCNC, only do so because they are problematic and/or cause me to lose customer credibility. I will say this slow, just for you: I don't use UCCNC because the machines run better on other controllers. Period.

    You haven't answered my question. Have you tried Centroid control, or are you simply an internet fanboy that pretends to give qualified opinions based on a total lack of comparative experience? Why don't you be honest and say: "I have never tried it, but I know it's no good."
    Well, Mr.Centroid contractor, yes I'm a fanboy because I like the software is there a problem with that?

    You are right about that I have not tried the Acorn, I never said I did and I will not try it because of the following game stoppers for me:

    1.) Outdated DOS looking UI.
    2.) Non customisable UI. I cannot even place a button with a custom function.
    3.) Only 4 motors support. I need 4+1 for the 3+1 axis machine with gantry plus the rotary tube cutter.
    4.) Does not support plasma THC.
    5.) Too high price for a control lacking the above features.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    I have never tried Centroid so i can not comment on it. I have used Mach3 for a long time and Mach4 recently....not a fan of Mach4. My own machine uses uccnc and i am reasonably happy

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by OlfCNC View Post
    Well, Mr.Centroid contractor, yes I'm a fanboy because I like the software is there a problem with that?

    You are right about that I have not tried the Acorn, I never said I did and I will not try it because of the following game stoppers for me:

    3.) Only 4 motors support. I need 4+1 for the 3+1 axis machine with gantry plus the rotary tube cutter..
    islaww has nothing to do with centroid he is just a user installer and has installed and used UCCNC as well and as he said did not work as well as Acorn which I have found to be the case also, none of these controls are perfect they are hobby level controls and that about sums it up

    As usual though you don't know what you are talking about you can add more motors if you need 2 motors for a Gantry you only need ( 1 ) port so you can use any step/Dir output like this some Boards already have this built in for Gantry Control from 1 Axes output signal driving 2 Drives so the 4 axes board can do 4 + 1 and more if you need it

    What button do you need to add that it does not have

  7. #27
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by ericks View Post
    I have never tried Centroid so i can not comment on it. I have used Mach3 for a long time and Mach4 recently....not a fan of Mach4. My own machine uses uccnc and i am reasonably happy
    I have all of these controls plus others that I constantly run or are testing, Eding cnc has not been mentioned being a jump above all of these, he has a high price which will stop a lot of users , but to date he still has the best control

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
    I have all of these controls plus others that I constantly run or are testing, Eding cnc has not been mentioned being a jump above all of these, he has a high price which will stop a lot of users , but to date he still has the best control
    Thanks Mac, i will be looking at trying out Eding cnc and possibly offer it as an option

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by ericks View Post
    Thanks Mac, i will be looking at trying out Eding cnc and possibly offer it as an option
    There new 720 with the Breakout board is very good I'm just waiting for the Encoder up date on this new 720 Board I have the CPU5A model have been waiting for the 720 to happen the CPU5A will do any Stepper machine get it with the Breakout Board it just make it easier to connect everything but the 720 is it right now or the 760 if you need more axes, the control software is very easy to use as well

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
    There new 720 with the Breakout board is very good I'm just waiting for the Encoder up date on this new 720 Board I have the CPU5A model have been waiting for the 720 to happen the CPU5A will do any Stepper machine get it with the Breakout Board it just make it easier to connect everything but the 720 is it right now or the 760 if you need more axes, the control software is very easy to use as well
    Yes, i was looking at the 720....actually decided that that one would be my choice wow we agreeing on something....scary

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
    NTL is a hobby guy just like you, the other names you mention have not posed in this thread (wedge)

    Can you customize any high end control, ( N0 ) and what is the need, all hobby guys need is a control that works, it has everything that is needed for any 4 axes CNC machine operation
    Yes I have no affiliation with anyone in the cnc industry. I just got into the "hobby" market about a year ago when I needed something for the home shop. I personally looked at everything available and chose Centroid based on the fact that they build industrial controllers as well as industrial machines. They've been doing it for a long time and I understand that you don't stay in business that long if you build junk. I also gravitated to the new entry level controller due to the fact you get the same software that their industrial units run on. If you have any professional grade software you will understand my reasoning. I personally saw the value of the controller and it has lived up to my expectations. It just works and I'm making the parts I want to make. I just set up my material upload my cnc file hit cycle start and everything does what it should. I know people say nothing is perfect but for me the Acorn and cnc12 have been perfect for my application.

    So once again I am just a guy who likes the Acorn controller that I paid full price for just a happy customer. Trust me if it wasn't great or I was having issues with it I wouldn't be shy about letting anyone and everyone know about it.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by ericks View Post
    Yes, i was looking at the 720....actually decided that that one would be my choice wow we agreeing on something....scary
    This is what I ran into when looking at all the controllers, there are a lot of good options but I think when you compare price, the Acorn wins every time. The 720 might be a great option but it starts at $440 and you have to add a BOB, relay board, power supply, software and you are way over the cost of the Acorn kit at $299 that includes all of that. Now if another board does something you need that the Acorn won't, then Acorn isn't an option at any price. I've been cutting on my router for a few weeks now. Thrilled I didn't spend more when everything works as needed and advertised with the Acorn.

    I think for anyone who is looking for CNC controls you have to do your homework and list out all of the features you need for your specific machine to function how you need it to and make sure that whatever electronics you buy that it supports what you require and you have verified proof based on other customer reviews that those features actually work. If you can successfully do that while spending the least amount of money, you win.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mini-MillX2 View Post
    This is what I ran into when looking at all the controllers, there are a lot of good options but I think when you compare price, the Acorn wins every time. The 720 might be a great option but it starts at $440 and you have to add a BOB, relay board, power supply, software and you are way over the cost of the Acorn kit at $299 that includes all of that. Now if another board does something you need that the Acorn won't, then Acorn isn't an option at any price. I've been cutting on my router for a few weeks now. Thrilled I didn't spend more when everything works as needed and advertised with the Acorn.

    I think for anyone who is looking for CNC controls you have to do your homework and list out all of the features you need for your specific machine to function how you need it to and make sure that whatever electronics you buy that it supports what you require and you have verified proof based on other customer reviews that those features actually work. If you can successfully do that while spending the least amount of money, you win.
    I must say i am happy with how uccnc performs on my machine. The reason why i am looking at other controllers is to have it available for the control panels that i am putting on the market soon

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Just a quick throw in of my .02.
    (Note, NOT an employee of Centroid, but liked what I saw enough to become a Tech Rep in Arizona. I turned my +15 year long hobby into a part time business in my retirement)

    1) The reason I chose and like Centroid is that they didn't pop up over night. Hardware and software come from the same manufacturer, whose sole business is and has been CNC Machine motion control for over 30 years.
    2) In the 26 months that Acorn has been released, they have sold nearly 3000 units. (I don't think those are all contractors ;-), they have had 4 hardware revision improvements based on feedback from users, I've lost track of the software enhancements they have done.
    3) True spindle encoder input for Threading, Constant Surface speed, Rigid Tapping, which includes peck tapping and retapping the same hole and not tearing out the threads!
    4) They listen to the users and incorporate features.
    5) They are constantly improving their hardware and software line.
    6) Centroid User Forums where peers help each other 24/7. Centroid Staff also monitor the forums
    Countless more....

    Acorn is not a toy. Its hardware and software are based on the same proven technology in their Servo based motion controllers. The same that runs their 5 axis machining center:


    Just search Centroid CNC on YouTube. Hard not to want to use the same motion control software and hardware running those types of machines on your machine.

    One thing I would like to mention. Its a great time to be in the DIY CNC hobby, with so many options to choose from (both hardware and software). Pioneers like Art Fernerty and Mach, EMC (Now Linux CNC) helped get all of us where we are at today. Making it possible to have CNC machines in our home shops. I respect everyone's choice to choose what works best for them. I am happy with Centroid, I have had the benefit of meeting the people at Centroid, had experience doing quite a number of retrofits with Acorn, Centroid All in One DC and OAK. Solid hardware and software. It has to be given what they control. If there is an issue discovered, it get's addressed. I spend A LOT of my personal time trying to help support other users venturing into using Centroid. I'm no expert by any means, but I have been known to run out and make a quickie video at 8pm on a weekend to help another user get through their stumbling block.

    As long as you have some basic electrical or electronic experiece, and using the schematics available, use good cnc wiring techniques, you should be able to get up and running.
    Here is a link to the Acorn resource page, it includes information about Acorn, various licenses available, schematics you can dowload and review, all there to help make your decision:
    Whatever you do, whose ever control you choose, enjoy the build.

    martyscncgarage on YouTube
    NOT an employee of Centroid, but liked what I saw enough to become a Tech Rep in Arizona. I turned my h

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    What you have listed are all true for other controllers too like UCCNC, PlanetCNC, EdingCNC etc.. The hardware and software come from the same company. They continously improving their products. All have great customer support. And their products are more mature, PlanetCNC and EdingCNC are like 10 years old and UCCNC is like 5 years old. Acorn is around 1.5 years only.
    Also the mentioned controllers and softwares are highly customisable with more features much more than the acorn for less money.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Considering that they're using a BeagleBone, I wonder if they're packaging Machinekit similar to how Tormach packages LinuxCNC to make pathpilot.

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by OlfCNC View Post
    What you have listed are all true for other controllers too like UCCNC, PlanetCNC, EdingCNC etc.. The hardware and software come from the same company. They continously improving their products. All have great customer support. And their products are more mature, PlanetCNC and EdingCNC are like 10 years old and UCCNC is like 5 years old. Acorn is around 1.5 years only.
    Also the mentioned controllers and softwares are highly customisable with more features much more than the acorn for less money.

    Good to hear! As I mentioned, everyone has choices. None should be forced on anyone.
    This is a Centroid forum so we should remain on that topic however.

    Kindest regards,

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Marty_Escarcega View Post
    Good to hear! As I mentioned, everyone has choices. None should be forced on anyone.
    This is a Centroid forum so we should remain on that topic however.

    Kindest regards,
    So many uninformed shills here. Especially for uccnc

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
    Again you don't know what you are talking about the are no Centroid employees or contractors in this thread

    Its the centroid software that make it the best high end control, even at the Acorn level, the hardware is nothing special but the software is way ahead of everyone else
    I am a Acorn can and owner, but to say there are no Centroid employees or contractors on this forum is more then a little naive. I don't remember being asked to promise that I was not during registration.

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Centroid Acorn experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dfwilbanks View Post
    I am a Acorn can and owner, but to say there are no Centroid employees or contractors on this forum is more then a little naive. I don't remember being asked to promise that I was not during registration.
    Read what was posted (wedge)

    At the time I posted on this thread, there was no payed employees from centroid, or contractor's posting here, there where only users

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