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IndustryArena Forum > Events, Product Announcements Etc > Polls > Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

View Poll Results: Does the corona epidemic affect you or your business?

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  • no effects noticed yet

    26 56.52%
  • already a few effects noticed

    14 30.43%
  • pretty strong consequences

    6 13.04%
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    The ongoing epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affects the entire globe now. We would like to know if it already affects you in personal or your business. Several companies are currently closed and some people under quarantine. Are there supply chain problems for your company or do you perceive or expect an income decline? Is your company struggling with staff shortages or other effects?

    Would you like to post your experiences?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    if you are leaving in a country with a medical system still " old-school ", then you have an idea about what corona is

    if you are leaving in a country with "black-outs", then you also have an idea about what corona is

    content shared on social media, that is against social media policies, will be banned

    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    I want to go where it is and catch it on purpose just to get it over with. I'm tired of all the "This time we're all going to die" hysteria.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    Not noticed anything yet but i am sure there will be issues as things progress.

    Being in England we only have to have a half inch of snow & my fellow countryman & women clear the supermarket shelves of bread & milk !! So I expect no less from the corona virus panic - demic. The death rate for this virus is actually less than the annual death rate for the normal `flu so unless it mutates or there are those of us that have underlying health issues then it`s no biggy . Is it ?

    I reckon there is actually more chance of dying of the hysteria surrounding this virus than the virus itself but then I am not an epidemiologist .
    The infection rate against the death rate is minimal afterall.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    Unfortunately the METAV, an international trade fair for Manufacturing Technology & Automation in Düsseldorf/Germany, where our company was registered as an exhibitor, was postponed today due to Corona.

    Of course, this is painful for us and many other companies.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    I haven't seen any direct impact yet. Our supply chain seems to still be intact, mostly SS and aluminum. But all of it is coming from the USA. I did order some hardware directly from China about 3 weeks ago, but it arrived on time with no problems. I did put on gloves to open the package and set the pieces in the sunlight for a couple of hours. It's not very likely that any virus could survive a week or so of transit time, but no point in taking chances.

    I really do think this is being overhyped by the media. Just the current BSO (bright shiny object) for the media to focus on and boost ratings.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?


    Just the current BSO (bright shiny object) for the media to focus on and boost ratings.
    I'm sorry to disagree Jim, while no doubt the media love a good story to boost readership/viewership there can be no doubt that the story is true,
    a high contagious virus is doing the rounds.

    I agree with a previous poster that the death rate is about the same as you might expect from any new flu virus, that is no consolation if its your wife/daughter/mother
    whom dies. What sets this virus apart is that it is so readily transmitted between persons. If half the worlds population is infected , even if the mortality rate is only
    1% then 6,000,000,000 x 0.5 x0.01=30 million people.

    I can be as cynical as any man but I'm hesitant to make light of a disaster that could kill so many.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    I've heard of a few places shutting down because of it. My brother works for a car manufacturer and they have shut down because of it.

  9. #9

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    Received a note from corporate, that was promulgated to all work stations and employees that listed reminders of preventive measures. (How to cough, wipe down with antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer... the typical Flu precautions.). Yet where we are... I think we’re relying on direction from the CDC. Right now it’s proceed with caution, until otherwise directed.
    “Stay healthy and I hope everyone gets through whatever this is, without too much to endure.”

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    I heard some research that's come out of China in the last few days that suggests the fatality rate is 3% of cases, not shockingly worse
    than any other flu but still a scary number when you consider how contagious this thing is.

    My hope is that the vigorous containment procedures limit the spread of the virus until such time as a vaccine is devised. Even then who will get
    the vaccine...those who can afford it? It does not bode well for poorer nations.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    hy joe, you seem to be a bit alarmed ...

    many international trades had been suspended, because it may be possible for foreign visitors to be 'filtered' at an airport : obviosuly, this means that you may not reach your destination, or you may not return home as expected

    there are shops that had been affected, because of the supply chain, or because some employes are in a preventive quarantined ( thus they are healthy ), or positives ( thus "detected as" infected; statistically speaking, detected data does not always involve a causality, so, if i will say that "is raining a lot in december", and also, if i will say that "is raining a lot in june", in both cases, i am correct, and a child may not sense the difference between those 2, like how also an adult that lives in a desert won't sense the difference like an adult that lives in a tropical forest ... so, each time, the sentence is true, but the message is too simple, so it will pass without being noticed; there is a difference between "truth" and "statistical observation" )

    If half the worlds population is infected
    each body is different, as it comes in chemistry, muscles, bacteorology : almost everyone is a host for a potential disease, but what triggers that disease depends on immunology, and from this perspective, if you always work and live inside a city ( rush, artificial light, quantity food ), you won't have the anti-bodies that are normally in the nature ( natural vibe, sun, quality food ); the more contact you have with the nature, the more resistant you will be

    if you have a headache, or you feel a bit hungover, but suddenly a nice cat-woman will approach you, then the headache may go away in 2 seconds ... have you ever felt that ? if yes, than you know that the effect is powerful, and can't be replicated with medicine, and is the same like when receiving an unexpected news ( unexpected pace change )

    there is always more then the eyes can see, and i try to be calm and analytical ... off course, i can't be always calm, i am also alarmed, but i know that statistics is like a swimsuit : it shows a lot of skin, but is hiding the most interesting stuff for example, i have a lot of data from long setups, and i may share it, and even if it will be seen that some charts are discontinued, it will be very hard to guess what happened, even by machininsts ... to justify the discontinuity, i may reveal the "truth" or talk about a "statistical fact", and in both cases, the answer is correct / kindly

    ... an unexperienced operator will talk only about 'statistical facts', with low probability to see the 'truth'
    ... an experienced operator has a higher probability to see the 'truth'
    ... an experienced operator that knows the 'truth' but decides to hide it, and replace it with a 'statistical fact' is hard to be detected by using logic, while intuition may give a clue about his intentions
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    Hi deadlykitten,

    hy joe, you seem to be a bit alarmed ...
    No, I am not alarmed, I have not been required to face any of the consequences of the outbreak and long may that continue!.

    I am aware also that many countries have been economically affected, New Zealand included. I am not trying to minimize the impact that is having
    however is not any economic disruption rather overshadowed by the more than 3000 people whom have died already? The 9/11 attacks in the US
    killed about 3000 people, and this virus has killed that many already and seems set to kill a damn sight more.

    Perhaps we should ask the people stuck on the ocean liner in international waters off San Francisco what they think about the corona virus, they may have a rather
    more energetic and pointed viewpoint.


  13. #13

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    economically I'm not bothered plus I work from home which lessens my chances of getting infected

    the death rate is far beyond that of the flu which is 0.1% . As it stands the death rate is 6% vs 94% recovery . The US at this moment has a total of 335 cases total , of that 15 have recovered 17 are dead . Most of those deaths were in a nursing home where the people were obviously weak to begin with , either way that is a higher death rate than recovery . Those percentages will change as the virus spreads and normally healthy people get it and eventually recover . Regardless peoples lives are falling short because of it

    I honestly don't see the media blowing it out of proportion , and it's significant enough to inform the public that 6 out of a hundred people are dead from this with more to come .
    I've seen the argument that more people die from car crashes , hearth attacks , cancer , the Clinton's etc , none of these things are transferred infections .

    History will repeat itself sooner or later and we will be in trouble , maybe not now but it's a good exercise for the world health organizations . I don't see any reason to panic or of all things clean a store out of toilet paper , at the same time I'm not going to ignore the warning signs either , I was walking through a store the other day when a stock girl started hacking up her lungs in front of me , I walked the long way around her , because whatever she had I didn't want it .

    The bright side of it is that the spread isn't near as strong as a lot of the flu virus's , so as long as it doesn't mutate again and go nuts then it should taper down

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    The US at this moment has a total of 335 cases total
    Five days later and already 1,300 cases are confirmed in the US. 127k worlwide. This is indeed alarming, I think. I really hope that at least the speed of spreading the virus can be stopped. And from an economic point of view: I think almost all industry sectors will suffer the consequences (sooner or later). Maybe except of the manufacturers of toilet papers and other hygiene products.

  15. #15

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    The most direct effect in my case is the sharp drop in the the US stock market. As I'm retired from an income perspective and my wife wants to retire early this is the most apparent impact. Being both over 60 and in a higher risk category this could become a far less important issue should either/both of us get the bug. Fortunately we are only in the age group, neither of us have medical factors to increase the risk other than age. The apparent ease of transmittal compared to most of the "nasty bug going around" sort of flus we see every year is a concern of course, but in reality somewhere around 5 million people die each month on the average on this planet, making the current number of deaths not seem so boogy man scary. Keep in mind that around 50,000 people die of pneumonia each year in the US. Most are elderly, and in less than great health to start with, but 50K/year in the US alone sort of puts some things in better perspective I think. Not making light of folks deaths, even when expected it's usually upsetting for the survivors.

  16. #16

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sailormoon View Post
    Five days later and already 1,300 cases are confirmed in the US. 127k worlwide. This is indeed alarming, .
    The daily explosions that Italy is seeing is flat out bad . As it is the odds of contracting the virus are low in North America , but , the way this is spreading then the odds will get much worse before they get better .
    The flu comes around every year and though the strain is usually different , they have vaccines for it fairly quickly . Likewise the common cold which is a form of coronavirus hits more people than any other virus , and after all these years scientists are still trying to figure out a vaccine .

    This is very new and it started with a few people on the other side of the world . It's like a small wild fire , some will say it's nothing and it'll burn itself out , others will say do something now before it gets worse . Where does it go from there , because one of those two answers is right .

    The effect I'm starting to feel is the reliability of online shopping . I don't think there is anywhere in the world that economies haven't been impacted or will be

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    Likewise the common cold which is a form of coronavirus hits more people than any other virus , and after all these years scientists are still trying to figure out a vaccine
    if someone has flu, and it is vaccinated, then it will be healthy again; because of the vaccin, most of the virus presence is erased, but the one that remains will mutate, in order to resist the vaccine

    mutations are faster than vaccine iterations, and iterations are not infinite; this does not mean that a virus can reach an iteration that can not be wiped out

    Five days later and already 1,300 cases are confirmed in the US. 127k worlwide.
    please, if i may ask, do you like cnczone ?
    Ladyhawke - My Delirium, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bFO1SNRZg

  18. #18

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    My point is that coronavirus's are complex virus's and one is the common cold which has been around for a long time and there is no cure in sight

    There is no erasing the flu virus . You get vaccinated for the flu before you contract it and become ill , it is not a cure . It is a low dose of the virus so that your body builds an immunity to it , but low enough that most people don't fall ill from it .

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    I guess, if I would start today the poll again, there would be different results. Probably some members who made their vote for "no effects" would change it now, after the most countries are affected by the pandemic!?

  20. #20

    Re: Does the corona epidemic affect your current business operations?

    Things are changing by the hour it seems . Lots of places are shutting down . The export company who sends out my packages now has a no contact drop off , basically open the door and slide the packages in and get gone . They've got ship label stations etc and thats all shut down . Next will be them closing their doors indefinitely

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