Did you get a manual with the new board so you know if you can set the current to 2.8A ?
and do you have the manual for the old board to see what the motor curren was set to ?

the TB6560 IC used on the board is going to limit your supply voltage to 24V

its not clear from the photos what value of the 8 resistors used on the 2 boards to monitor the motor current are

its not easy to see what colour the bands on the resistors are

knowing the colours of the bands the resistor value can be decoded

depending on the version of TB6560 used
TB6560AHQ: 3.5 A (peak) R sense 0.15 ohms ?
TB6560AFG: 2.5 A (peak) R sense 0.2 ohms ?

with the coils wired in parallel you need to set the motor current to 2.8A -
this has the advantage of the inductance being 6.8 mH so you will be able to step the motor faster

with 3 axis you may be able to get away using the old power supply
but I would replace it with a new 24V 10A power supply

with the coils wired in series you need to set the motor current to 1.4A
the down side the inductance rises to 27 mH
