okay do you mean you used the command menu in Manager to Start and Enable command and it works or you actually sent manually a message from a seperated CAN interface terminal?

What i saw here is it needs the 0X000 ID to send a Start message , 0X01 and 0X00 to reach all the CAN Network nodes . And they need Start then ENOP
My brains are working hard , i dont know if i mentioned it here but i am still recovering from a severe TBI accident 2 years ago. Getting better than i was but getting lost often going thru the english manuals (im french hah)

ID=702h,Type=D,Length=8,Data=00000000000000FF,IDFo rmat=hex,Comment="Node 2 NMT:5" What means the TypeD ? i didnt knew yet it could have letters in the ID

So , with what you said about SOBJ ( i see GOBJ in my Manager Terminal , not SOBJ do you know why? , i just read is should be the only way to talk to the MCBL so i need to understand how to enter them in a Arduino VB script thing without using the OBJECTS menu in Manager

And some more thing about NMT to learn