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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Tormach Personal CNC Mill > Tormach PathPilot™ > Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Quote Originally Posted by kheston View Post
    After upgrading to PathPilot 2.0, I was no longer able to access my gcode folder over the network. The smb.conf settings Tormach uses are not compatible with Samba4 (it looks as though this new version came with the latest Linux Mint Tormach uses with PP). To fix, open a terminal from within PathPilot by pressing ctrl+alt+x and edit the smb.conf.share file in your home directory:

    cd ~
    nano smb.conf.share
    The "security = share" setting is the incompatible one. Change the file contents as follows:

            security = user
            map to guest = Bad Password
    # share config
            comment = Tormach controller gcode folder
            path = /home/operator/gcode
            writeable = yes
            browseable = yes
            guest ok = yes
            force user = operator
            username = operator
    Save the file and reboot. Your network share should re-appear.
    Worked for me, No telling how long I would have been down without this post so Thanks

  2. #22

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Somehow I've lost my network drive and now it asked me for credentials when I remap

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    If it asks for username and PW try guest and guest

  4. #24

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    That worked, only damn combination I didn't try, thank you so much Doug

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Glad it worked. I just setup a new internet service and it asked me and luckily I had it in my notes from the first time...

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Anyone have a trick for setting up a network share in windows 10 with a networked PP controller to move g-code?
    I see everything on my network but the mill. I can see the mill is connected to router and working but no way to connect to any windows 10 system.
    Any pointers would be great.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    What version of PathPilot are you running?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Quote Originally Posted by old-cnc-geek View Post
    What version of PathPilot are you running?
    Current, I keep it updated. I'm thinking its windows 10 problem and some past windows update disabled some network functions. I have no workgroup anymore as mentioned here, or its hidden.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    I would check your SMB settings in Windows 10. If you go to the control panel > Program and Features. Select the turn windows features on and off and then make sure that the SMB functions are checked. .

    I have seen this effect network connections between Windows 10 and other SMB connections (Windows Server 2003 and 2008,etc).


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Still found no way to get this working!
    Tormach posted a video on how to do this and it works for them. Perform the same setup on my machine and network and I get no connection and a smb error.
    I check the above setting and they are ok.

    Any Ideas what Im missing? Should be simple to connect a computer to a network. "I have dozens of devices connected- this is only problem one" I see settings for drop box file service under admin, lol, never would use such things.
    But a simple file transfer in my home is not possible?

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Make sure both you PP controller and your Win machine are using the same workgroup name. Typically they both default to "workgroup" but if you have changed it on Windows you need to change it on PP also ...

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Quote Originally Posted by rdsi View Post
    Make sure both you PP controller and your Win machine are using the same workgroup name. Typically they both default to "workgroup" but if you have changed it on Windows you need to change it on PP also ...
    Default "workgroup" name is on all devices I have. No documented way to set or change this on pp.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    I edit the configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf" and set the variable workgroup to whatever. As mentioned this variable should default to "workgroup = WORKGROUP" but this is where you would change it if you're using something else.

    When using Samba everyone must be using the same workgroup name.

    I thought Tormach added a method to modify this from within PP but cannot remember how - maybe some undocumented ADMIN command? Anyway, just open a terminal up and enter "$ sudo nano /etc/samba/smb/conf" to check/edit this variable.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Hey thanks Rdsi You were on the right track.

    Tormach sent me a long list of things to do to get it working.
    Silly I spent countless hours trying to get this to connect. When all it takes is some simple instructions that could be in the user manual or other online documentation.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Another thing to keep in mind when networking multiple machines are the NetBIOS and hostname names. By default Tormach uses tormachpcnc for both & in standalone situations this is fine.

    However, if you have multiple machines like both the mill & lathe, or some other combination, each machine needs to have a unique name. Even if you're running PP in a VM it will need a a unique name too. Otherwise you will have a problem if any two instances of PP are running with the default tormachpcnc and you have them networked together.

    So I've been using the following for my machines & VM's: PPMILL, PPLATHE, PPDEV, PPVBOX1, etc. Typically I use all uppercase for the NetBIOS name & lowercase for the hostname. Yes, sometimes I have them all turned on.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Quote Originally Posted by rdsi View Post
    Another thing to keep in mind when networking multiple machines are the NetBIOS and hostname names. By default Tormach uses tormachpcnc for both & in standalone situations this is fine.

    However, if you have multiple machines like both the mill & lathe, or some other combination, each machine needs to have a unique name. Even if you're running PP in a VM it will need a a unique name too. Otherwise you will have a problem if any two instances of PP are running with the default tormachpcnc and you have them networked together.

    So I've been using the following for my machines & VM's: PPMILL, PPLATHE, PPDEV, PPVBOX1, etc. Typically I use all uppercase for the NetBIOS name & lowercase for the hostname. Yes, sometimes I have them all turned on.

    Thanks for the note, Tormach also mentioned this. I must say Tormach tech support sent me perfect instructions to fix problem. +1 cookie for them.
    I had messed with this for last couple months off and on, wondering if it was my firewalls or what.
    Turned out some of the PP smb settings needed editing and the actual procedure for logging the drive was detailed correctly. 30 seconds later it was working just fine. Anyway I had a bunch of projects and even more files then normal and this usb thing was driving me nuts. Using the sneaker usb net also caused an error the other day. So I decided to figure out the problem, period. I have a fully hard wired home, garage that is all gigabit high speed plug and play. So I understand the tech.

    Also a note on a line of text attached to email from tech support

    Come See Us at FABTECH • Booth A6472 • November 11-14, 2019 • Chicago, IL
    Machines on display: 1100MX, PCNC 440, 15LSlant-PRO, PSG 612, AF50 Bandsaw, xsTECH Router and a new machine release!

    It says new machine release.

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Path Pilot v2.0 Network (Samba) Share Not Accessible

    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    I must say Tormach tech support sent me perfect instructions to fix problem. +1 cookie for them.
    Any chance you could post those instructions here?

    I'm currently struggling to get Windows 10 to recognise the PathPilot controller. I have the 2 machines wired directly via ethernet. PathPilot seems to be connected in the 'ADMIN NETWORK' dialogue, (although it's not connected to the internet in the 'Status' tab).

    Windows 10 fails to Map Network Drive. The controller name and path are correct. I've tried turning the firewall off.

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