Quote Originally Posted by wmcrinc View Post
PROBLEM SOLVED Per Huanyang instructions I did a factory reset and entered only the following values.

P0.00 = 0
P0.03 = 400
P0.04 = 400
P0.06 = 400
P2.02 = 400

Motor spun up like it should. I made the following additional entries:

P0.05 = 50 (for testing purpose only. will change to 100 later)
P0.07 = 1 for some reason this enabled the variable speed control knob

I'll probably allow the spindle to run at 1/4 speed for 20 min. as an initial break in and then do an auto tune.
That is not a good idea to use P0.05=50 unless the spindle manufacture has that in there spec's

So it would not run in Vector mode that is strange P0.00=0 is for V/F mode you can not auto tune in this mode for auto tune it has to be in Vector Mode P0.00=1 I know they have had a problem with there so called Vector Mode and mostly it does not work for 400Hz spindles it may work at 300Hz but after using auto tune at 300Hz parameter settings you would have to set the parameters back to 400Hz