you and me both are displeased

John finally got back to me the other day . It's at least a month before he'll know if he'll have parts or not . What angers me is so much the lack of parts it's the lack of regard . He's not even looking at the orders nor does he put any effort in keeping a guy updated . I told him I was in a desperate situation , he promised to get back to me which he didn't .

As pissed off as I am I wish the best for him but at the same time he's the source of a whole lot of swearing thats been going on in my shop . I've done my best on here to be civil , because the way I feel I could easily have turned this into a bashing session . I've been so up and down with this thing that it's a wonder how I haven't taken a sledge hammer and smashed i into small castings yet .
I'm sure my problems may seem small in the big scheme of things but I can't afford down time , nor can I afford the time sitting searching for parts . This defeats the reason for buying a machine like this
A lot of hobby mills have come and gone over the years and I hope this isn't the case with novakon , but the one constant stands out and that is tormach . Had I known that novakon was going to move to the US I'd probably have had 2 770's in my shop rather than the torus . And , I really wish I knew that the spindle at it's lowest point is so far away from the table . That blew all my plans for for fixture plating

On the bright side I know I can have motors , drivers etc from online steppers within a week . I'll be ordering some more motors from them soon to have on hand . I did some digging around and found 2 backup drivers that were still boxed and on the shelf , the only other concerns are the transformer which shouldn't go , and what to do if or when the spindle goes . I'd like to find a source for a drop on replacement spindle motor . At least if I can have everything on hand then I won't come unglued when the time comes

My suggestion to everyone is to start sourcing parts and saving links , because if the time comes then we can all pool them together in a future thread