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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Novakon > stepper motors for sale ?
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  1. #41

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    this is the style of coupler on the mill but they are single disk and not doudle as in the picture .
    Attachment 446636

  2. #42

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    so far the couplers from ruland are the closest even though they are double disk . I'm not sure if there is a disadvantage to double vs single

  3. #43
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    Are you sure you need ones with disks as opposed to the Lovejoy style?

  4. #44

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    I think I'd trust the disk style more than the spider type . There is a lot of weight in the z to lift and the x and y are heavy as well . All my smaller retrofits have them but they don't have near the same amount of torque being applied to them . I don't want to risk adding backlash or a possible sponginess to the mill

  5. #45

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    I've got 2 ruland sitting in a cart and chances are I'll pull the pin in the next couple days . $524 for 2 vs 60 from what novakon charges is a chunk of change

  6. #46

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    I've looked as long as I'm going to look lol and I chomped the bullet . The bright side of ruland is the free expedited shipping which absorbs a chunk of the cost . I just hope they are machined from decent aluminum vs the brittle cast crap .
    I can take the 2 broken couplers and turn them into one since they come apart easily and I'll have a spare on hand . I've done this a few times now with others . I suppose looking at it from the perspective that a novakon stepper with a coupler costs 230 , then the 50 dollar motor I bought plus a ruland coupler isn't that far off . Either way I just have to say it is what it is and move on til something else goes

  7. #47

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    after 8 days these arrived

    as I suspected the length in the ad is off and they are 64mm . The diameter is as specified though and the screw is a 4mm rather than 5 which makes them less beefy . These will make for good spares and will get me out of trouble if this happens again . The ruland are of the way and should be here by the end of the week

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    Wow those Ruland ones are expensive. I guess its time to start getting some spares. So far I have never broken a coupling. I doubt the difference in length will matter much. I did look at the stepper prices on the Novakon site and wow almost $500. Having said that I have had no mechanical issues with the mill. Let us know how you make out.

  9. #49

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    the torus steppers are 200 . The only time you'd be prone to breaking a coupler is during a motor swap . I've done a few and popped one every time , I've had the z coupler break out of the blue at one point .
    the biggest problem with these double disk is the lack of clamping surface vs the original single disk

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    I forgot about a potential source of parts until recently when something jogged my memory. Have a look at the Smithy cnc mill. It looks a bit different now but in the past it looked remarkably similar to the Novakon mill. Maybe some of the parts are interchangeable?

  11. #51

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    I remember automate having the same core machine , and at one point I talked to smithy before buying the torus . I see the model was discontinued . I remember someone else having the same , maybe it was bolton . I wonder if they'd sell parts like spindle motors to non automate owners , tormach won't sell to non owners , but I may be able to bluff a 1100 motor and say I'm modding my 440 lol .

    BTW I had a brain fart when I said the ebay coupler were the same length , they aren't but they'll get me out of trouble . The ruland arrived yesterday and they'll be going on over the weekend . I am still not happy with the lack of clamp surface on the double disk vs the single but whats a guy to do , they are nice but still hard to justify the price .

    I'm going to play with the setting on my z and see how far I can push this motor . The torque curves are much better than the originals from what I've seen , I may one day get that 100ipm that Kai promised

  12. #52

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    looking at the smithy it is still the same base mill . I like how the put an actual counter balance for the z vs a shock which blows within weeks

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    Quote Originally Posted by metalmayhem View Post
    I remember automate having the same core machine , and at one point I talked to smithy before buying the torus . I see the model was discontinued . I remember someone else having the same , maybe it was bolton . I wonder if they'd sell parts like spindle motors to non automate owners , tormach won't sell to non owners , but I may be able to bluff a 1100 motor and say I'm modding my 440 lol .

    BTW I had a brain fart when I said the ebay coupler were the same length , they aren't but they'll get me out of trouble . The ruland arrived yesterday and they'll be going on over the weekend . I am still not happy with the lack of clamp surface on the double disk vs the single but whats a guy to do , they are nice but still hard to justify the price .

    I'm going to play with the setting on my z and see how far I can push this motor . The torque curves are much better than the originals from what I've seen , I may one day get that 100ipm that Kai promised
    I think we are going to have to do some digging and find out exactly in China supplies these things. As for the 100 IPM I got way beyond that from my machine. At one point it was at 200 IPM. I slowed it way down because at that speed I could not get to the red button fast enough if something went wrong.

    I did not know Tormach would only sell to Tormach owners. I thought that only applied to path pilot.

  14. #54

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    you running servos aren't you ? This stepper setup is set to 70ipm , any higher I can't trust it . I'll say that pathpilot has sure smoothed things out with this mill . I ran mach for the longest time and ucnc for a while , and pathpilot blows them away . Novakon should have set up and offered a linuxcnc configuration yrs ago rather than continue with a dead software , no one wants mach 3 anymore or a new machine which runs on it .

    I've seen threads where guys have tried to acquire parts to add to other mills and tormach shot them down

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    Quote Originally Posted by metalmayhem View Post
    you running servos aren't you ? This stepper setup is set to 70ipm , any higher I can't trust it . I'll say that pathpilot has sure smoothed things out with this mill . I ran mach for the longest time and ucnc for a while , and pathpilot blows them away . Novakon should have set up and offered a linuxcnc configuration yrs ago rather than continue with a dead software , no one wants mach 3 anymore or a new machine which runs on it .

    I've seen threads where guys have tried to acquire parts to add to other mills and tormach shot them down
    No servos here. I am running steppers. Maybe our machines were configured differently. I think acceleration settings are the key to fast rapids. Not that it matters anymore we both switched to something else. I am running an acorn and I did notice right away it seemed way smoother than Mach 3. I do agree that it would have been best if Novakon had different software. Mach 3 gave me problems right away. Lots of them.

  16. #56

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    wow , 200 is awesome on one of these , maybe different steppers ? I'd be happy with the advertised rapids . The accel in pathpilot is set pretty high from what I see when running and it gives a smooth motion on my short segmented code . I liked many things about mach , I can't remember the version I ran (got it here somewhere) but I didn't find it to be buggy and never had it cause a problem . Running through parallel port wasn't the smoothest and is why I crossed the torus over . That and the fact my tormachs run pathpilot , so it made sense to keep them all the same

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    Quote Originally Posted by metalmayhem View Post
    wow , 200 is awesome on one of these , maybe different steppers ? I'd be happy with the advertised rapids . The accel in pathpilot is set pretty high from what I see when running and it gives a smooth motion on my short segmented code . I liked many things about mach , I can't remember the version I ran (got it here somewhere) but I didn't find it to be buggy and never had it cause a problem . Running through parallel port wasn't the smoothest and is why I crossed the torus over . That and the fact my tormachs run pathpilot , so it made sense to keep them all the same
    Ok I think I might know what the problem is. I did not go through the parallel port. I had an ethernet smooth stepper maybe that is why I got high rapids.

    The only thing I miss from mach 3 is having the graphics and the g code on the same page. There may be a some way to go it though.

    As for mach 3 here are some of the problems I had. Axis runaway at full rapid when jogging. Hit the E stop fast or it slams into the stop. Random failures to apply tool offsets. Tool would end up cutting air after a tool change. I had to rezero everything.I forgot what caused this one but it would ask permission to do a repositioning move. If I clicked yes it would go full rapid down into the work. I only did that one once. Weirdest one was during a multi part run. Load the blank press cycle start and a few tool changes. When done reload a blank and run the program again. Here is the weird part on about the tenth part it went to the start position then stopped. It them moved over about 10 inches and tried to make the part in a completely different location. Like I had a different coordinate system which I did not.

    Mach 3 on another machine I have works fine. Its an old computer and so far no surprises. I have only used it a little though.

    When I had the machine set to 200 IPM it was scary fast. I should have paid more attention to the feed rate to make sure it actually got there. Its been a while so my memory is a bit hazy on the exact numbers.

  18. #58

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    I'd like to have those kinds of rapids since I don't I try to do as little air cutting as possible . For me scary fast was a toyoda fh630 that I used to run in one of the jobbing shops . The rapids were something like 2300ipm and that thing stopped my heart on a few occasions .
    I know some versions of mach were worse than others especially the newer versions . Ger suggested a version a long time ago and that one was always good to me

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    With Mach3 I was limited to 75 rapids because of CPU pulse generation. With PP I have set it to 150. That said, I make mostly quite small parts so the max is almost never attained.

  20. #60

    Re: stepper motors for sale ?

    I've had numerous computers , different softwares , lots of tweaking and nothing has put the torus to where it should be and be safe to run . By right the mach configuration which is downloaded from novakon should have been spot on but it's never been the case . I can live with it as is , my cycles are long and I don't cut beyond that anyhow

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