Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
What's the inductance on those motors? Their performance really depends on that, especially at the top of the speed range. It's a rare 23-frame stepper that runs really well on 36 volts; most have too much inductance for that.
That's the way they came from LONGSMotor, they sold them with 36v power supply. when i email they support team.( they stated, that's configurtion for those stepper drive and Motor's each driver and moter use it own power supply 36v @ 9.7A. They also said NOT USE ONE power supply to Drive all three motor&Drive, because One Drive and Motor draw between 6A to 7A total. if you want to use one power supply to drive all 3 motors & driver you need a power supply rate 48v @ 20A something like this https://www.amazon.com/Rail-Power-Su...809620&sr=8-28) This is they recommendation.