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  1. #201
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    I still can’t get mine to connect.

  2. #202
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Hi. Just received NVEM version 2 for 3 to 6 axis bought from Aliexpress. The shipping cardboard box was damaged and there is a big scratch on the CD and my PC just won't read the disk at all. I posted to the seller for the files but they do not reply. Is there a friendy person here who could post or have a download link to the latest NVEM Mach3 Ethernet driver and what ever other stuff there is on the CD? I have a commercial Mach3 so what I really need are the driver and manuals.

    PS. I made a dispute to Aliexpress and they gave me tree days to reply and decide whether I take a $20 refund or ship the whole thing back for full refund. Shipping it back to China form Finland would cost 44€, so which ever choice I make it would be a bad deal if I can't find the driver and get the thing working. My first Aliexpress purchase, not a very promising start there.



  3. #203
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    try connecting thru the router and restart the computer

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by ftec View Post
    Hi. Just received NVEM version 2 for 3 to 6 axis bought from Aliexpress. The shipping cardboard box was damaged and there is a big scratch on the CD and my PC just won't read the disk at all. I posted to the seller for the files but they do not reply. Is there a friendy person here who could post or have a download link to the latest NVEM Mach3 Ethernet driver and what ever other stuff there is on the CD? I have a commercial Mach3 so what I really need are the driver and manuals.

    PS. I made a dispute to Aliexpress and they gave me tree days to reply and decide whether I take a $20 refund or ship the whole thing back for full refund. Shipping it back to China form Finland would cost 44€, so which ever choice I make it would be a bad deal if I can't find the driver and get the thing working. My first Aliexpress purchase, not a very promising start there.


    give me your email ill send it to you

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card


  6. #206
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by ftec View Post
    Hi. Just received NVEM version 2 for 3 to 6 axis bought from Aliexpress. The shipping cardboard box was damaged and there is a big scratch on the CD and my PC just won't read the disk at all. I posted to the seller for the files but they do not reply. Is there a friendy person here who could post or have a download link to the latest NVEM Mach3 Ethernet driver and what ever other stuff there is on the CD? I have a commercial Mach3 so what I really need are the driver and manuals.

    PS. I made a dispute to Aliexpress and they gave me tree days to reply and decide whether I take a $20 refund or ship the whole thing back for full refund. Shipping it back to China form Finland would cost 44€, so which ever choice I make it would be a bad deal if I can't find the driver and get the thing working. My first Aliexpress purchase, not a very promising start there.
    Found the recommended EC500 driver and EVEM V2 manual from the manufacturers site https://www.nvcnc.net. I'm exited to see if this thing will be good enough in the end to replace my two parallel ports and two BOBs which limited the speeds of my servos.

    So far Mach3 has accepted the driver and responds to Emergency input and Digitize inputs from EVEM inputs which I'm able to test on my drawing board with a Dell laptop. When starting I saw plenty of LAN traffic between PC and NVEM but no communication between Mach3 and EVEM and nothing worked. After completely disabling Firewall (for both Private and Public networks) communication started to work.

    I have the NVEM V2s IP at which is in the same IP address space my router uses so I wonder how that can work if the WIFI is enabled at the same time? (Can't test that as my Dell laptop automatically disables WIFI if LAN cable is plugged in.) Would like to hear about that if someone has the knowledge. Next step is to get things working on an old Win10 32bit PC for Mach3 and also get a new iHSV86 servo motor to run with EVEM.

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by churchile View Post
    give me your email ill send it to you
    Thanks churchile but I finally found the driver and manual.

  8. #208
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by ftec View Post
    Found the recommended EC500 driver and EVEM V2 manual from the manufacturers site https://www.nvcnc.net. I'm exited to see if this thing will be good enough in the end to replace my two parallel ports and two BOBs which limited the speeds of my servos.

    So far Mach3 has accepted the driver and responds to Emergency input and Digitize inputs from EVEM inputs which I'm able to test on my drawing board with a Dell laptop. When starting I saw plenty of LAN traffic between PC and NVEM but no communication between Mach3 and EVEM and nothing worked. After completely disabling Firewall (for both Private and Public networks) communication started to work.

    I have the NVEM V2s IP at which is in the same IP address space my router uses so I wonder how that can work if the WIFI is enabled at the same time? (Can't test that as my Dell laptop automatically disables WIFI if LAN cable is plugged in.) Would like to hear about that if someone has the knowledge. Next step is to get things working on an old Win10 32bit PC for Mach3 and also get a new iHSV86 servo motor to run with EVEM.
    Just a follow up for someone else struggling with these: Mach3 runs fine on Win10 32bit and NVEM seems to communicate fine too on wired LAN even with WIFI on at the same time. Will there be conflicts remains to be seen. As a plus with the 32bit Windows 10 2004 version I set up for this old PC with Athlon processor and 2G RAM, my age old Acad Lite 97 runs now fine on Win10 (!) and even Office 97 runs on it.

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    this problem happens to me:
    I install mach3 and the profile for NVEM v2, copy the plugin in the folder and launch mach3 ....
    I select the plugin to use and it tells me "Choose bin file"
    but I don't have any bin file to load isn't it by chance that I have a broken installation cd ??
    I am attaching a video of the problem, perhaps it does not find the correct firmware

    HELP meeeeeeee !!!!

  10. #210
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Hi Filusico,
    To tell you the truth, I got fed up with trying to get the Novusun working. After about a month of trying all kinds of tricks, calling people, and getting no help from Novusun, I broke down and bought the UC400ETH (~$150). from CNC4PC.com. It works GREAT right out of the box, no issues what so ever. I used this breakout board with it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/5-Axis-CNC-...AAAOSwrFtaOM0E
    everything working and the manual has all your Mach3 settings. I am using the CNC4PC software which works very well, and comes with the Ethernet controller, so no added expense there.
    Bottom line, the faster you get rid of the Novusun, the quicker you will have a machine up and running.
    Hope this helps.
    Regards Schifty1

  11. #211
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    You can also get an AXBB-E for similar price as the NVUM, the difference is that the AXBB-E works.

  12. #212
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    I`m guessing you havent been checking to see what problems everyone has had with their NVEM controllers, seeing you havent answered any more questions. People should steer well away from anything you make, as you provide Sketchy diagrams at best, no proper info on port/pin configurations. None of your products work as advertised. I have checked my wiring on my MPG handwheel connected to my NVEM V1 so many times and I still cant get it to work. Half the links on your web page to drivers do not work, and yet you are still taking peoples money. How about proper support for the people who bought your original products??

  13. #213
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    NVEM is a Chinese company and the producer of the AXBB-E and the UC400ETH is a European company.
    They have no affiliation whatsoever, they are totally different companies on different continents.
    The only difference between their products is that one works and the other doesn't .
    My advice is the same, to stay away from NVEM, NVUM etc. controllers, they are Chinese junk.

  14. #214
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by MagicFlame008 View Post
    I have noticed earlier in this thread (and most everywhere else on the net) that users of the NVEM / NVUM boards are having issues with getting a relay (for switching a router or vacuum for example) to operate from the outputs. I too have gained several grey hairs in the process. I finally realized (thanks to similar difficulty with a LM393 opamp) that the outputs on my board - NVEM V2 - are in fact open collector! In other words, for those who are not versed in "electronics speak", the output is "floating" until it is pulled to ground when the output is ON.
    The solution then was to put a 10kOhm resistor between the output pin and 12V (from external power supply as the 12V supplies on the board are only rated for 50mA each). Now when the output is off in Mach3 or when the controller is off, the pin is at 12V. When the output is on in Mach the pin is at ground. All that was needed now was a simple transistor switch (NPN) to toggle the relay.
    The diagram in the NVEM manual showing a direct connection with a relay, is totally misleading and would never work. Perhaps if you connected one leg to an output pin and the other to 12V it might work, provided that the relay draws no more than 50mA, but I doubt that such a thing even exists.
    If anyone needs the PCB for the relay module, I would be happy to post the G-codes for isolation-routing with a 30 degree V bit and then drilling it.

    Do you know if it is an NPN or PNP collector? My relays are set to switch Hi.
    Can you show how you wired it? I have also been driving myself nuts trying to get this portion of the board to work.


  15. #215
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by juninho-jesus View Post
    Some issues found in my board:

    - Homing / Limits -> The NVEM v2 controller can home two axis, the third axis get a "limit trigger" error. (Configured like the manual, just the positive limit trigger "X++; Y++; Z++;")
    - Spindle -> Mine NVEM v2 cannot set the right speed in Spindle, I checked the VSO output, I was getting 10.37V in 24k RPM. When i set 15k RPM in Mach3, I get 14.1k RPM in the Spindle.
    - Spindle 02 -> Very very slow ramp up. About 30 sec to get from 0V to 10V.
    - Probing -> Just Impossible to probe with this board, it's even difficult to explain how the probe is erratic.
    - SoftLimits -> don't work as well.

    Was a little difficult to configure in Mach, but you have to "allow the program to get internet connection" it's a setting in Windows Firewall. Configure the IP Address correctly and boom, it works.

    But these issues above get us crazy.

    Plugins tested:
    NVEM v2 is original, with "Lollete" stick.
    https://www.nvcnc.net/pdf/Novusun.rar -> Downloaded here.
    https://www.nvcnc.net/pdf/EC500-DLL_V1.rar -> Downloaded here (Told by DigitalDream that plugins works because EC500 is a updated of NVEM)
    I agree that is impossible to probe with this controler board.
    My question is do you know one ethernet controler board that proble works fine?

    I need to buy one that probe works


  16. #216
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by Joseluiz View Post
    I agree that is impossible to probe with this controler board.
    My question is do you know one ethernet controler board that proble works fine?

    I need to buy one that probe works


  17. #217
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Ethernet SmoothStepper (ESS) by Warp9TD, US made.


  18. #218
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by juninho-jesus View Post

    - Spindle 02 -> Very very slow ramp up. About 30 sec to get from 0V to 10V.
    For every one who have the same problem with very slow rising and falling voltage on spindle control output.

    You need to change one of the capacitors on NVEM board.
    Originally selected capacitor (red circle) was 100µF 16V smd. I've changed it to 1µF 50V (electrolytic). I didn't measure how long it takes to reach 10V, but now is mater of 1-2 sec. or even less.

  19. #219
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    I recently became the owner of my second Novosun NVEM V2, the first lost Ethernet communication, received one new in warranty.
    What a nightmare to find out the ports. I like to share my findings.

    For some strange reason I had after a while to reinstall the bin file, WHY? (found the appropriate on the Lolette site www.https://www.nvcnc.net/nvem.html)
    Input ports are all on port 1
    E-Stop,Probe, all endstops where also activate
    Output ports all on port 2 and negative
    Managed to activate all 10 outputs, for all outputs above 4 you need VB programming to activate.
    out 1 = CW
    out 2= CCW
    out 3= mist or flood
    out 4= flood or mist (don't remember)

    I will now swap the USBCNC to the NVEM on the machine
    Don't have to connect a VFD as I use a normal router I switch with a 24V relay on outport 1 and GND1
    operated by the command M3 and M5. Flood and mist where possible to switch on the Mach3 screen.

    Will report more later.

  20. #220
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Hi guys!
    Unfortunately, I read this forum very late. I bought this controller - Nvum v2 4axis ... and am now trying to get it to work.
    1 problem - after 30 minutes of work, the controller has lost the bin file. I found the bin file and restored it to work.
    2 problem - after an hour of work, the controller stopped connecting to the computer!
    I think the firmware is lost.
    How can I restore the firmware?

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