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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    PathPilot 2.6.0 Release


    l We added support for the 1300PL machine. (PP-1377)
    l We added PathPilot HUB file transfer capabilities to the File tab. (PP-2613)
    l We extended and improved the A-axis display in the Tool Path display, which makes it easier to understand
    the effective tool path relative to the workpiece. (PP-2862)
    l On the Settings tab, there's now a 4th Axis Rotary sub-tab. We consolidated the 4th axis rotary settings and
    configuration on this new tab. (PP-2894)
    l G64 Naive CAM Detection now supports rotary axes, which smooths out 4th axis Fusion 360 programs. (PP2907)

    l We fixed an issue where there was a missing unit conversion in incremental polar coordinates. Previously, incremental polar angles were interpreted as radians instead of degrees. (PP-2905)
    l We fixed a rare case with G95, where the first feed move immediately following a G33 move would use the wrong feed rate. This didn't occur if G33 was followed by other motions like G0, tool change, etc. (PP-2923)
    l When you typed G or A in the MDI Line DRO field (for valid G-code commands), the auto-complete dropdown displayed. Now, you must type two characters for the auto-complete dropdown to display. (PP2928)
    l We fixed an issue with conversational edit where an edited coolant setting would be ignored if an operation was edited again before saving. (PP-2965)
    l We fixed an issue with non-Tormach (unsupported) touch screens, where a calibration error occurred when the controller powered on. (PP-2980)
    l We fixed an issue where the background grid for the front/side G-code view in the Tool Path display was incorrectly displaced when large tool offsets were active. (PP-2986)
    l The time zone for Virtual PathPilot controllers on HUB is now set according to the user's HUB account preferences. (PP-3004)
    l When you add a .txt file to PathPilot, you can now either load the file as G-code or view and edit it with the text editor. Previously, .txt files only opened in the text editor. (PP-3005)
    l We fixed an issue, introduced in PathPilot v2.3.6, that prevented 4th axis homing from working. (PP-2955)
    l We fixed an error in a Fusion 360 probing routine (f360_probing-y-channel.ngc) that incorrectly used x instead of y. (PP-2956)
    l We fixed an error where, when you tried to set a reference height with a tool other than Tool 0 on the Probe Setup tab, the green LED came on after selecting Set Reference Height (which falsely indicated that the position was set). (PP-2991)
    l We fixed an issue where, in the tool table, either missing tools (between tool 1 and tool 256) or duplicate tools (between tool 257 and tool 1000) weren't correctly displayed. (PP-2997)
    l We fixed an issue where, after re-editing an existing file that used conversational threading, the operation didn't update to reflect the number in the Passes DRO field. (PP-2925)
    l We fixed an issue that prevented conversational lathe threading from using the maximum allowed number of threading passes (98). (PP-2964)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Hmm, not seeing a fix for the error I reported. Maybe in the next release. The software guy at Tormach that I was in contact with seemed to know exactly what was causing it in his emailed response a while back. Basically, there was an intermittent issue where a tool change command in a program would NOT trigger a pause and a user prompt but would instead skip to the next line, usually a spindle start command. Thankfully I tend to stare at my machine while it runs so despite this happening several times switching from my superfly to a 1/4 or 3/8 cutter, I caught it before the 7500 spindle speed caused something major to happen. Only seems to occur for the first tool change of the program and only under very specific conditions which I am not always able to replicate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Quote Originally Posted by soofle616 View Post
    Hmm, not seeing a fix for the error I reported. Maybe in the next release. The software guy at Tormach that I was in contact with seemed to know exactly what was causing it in his emailed response a while back. Basically, there was an intermittent issue where a tool change command in a program would NOT trigger a pause and a user prompt but would instead skip to the next line, usually a spindle start command. Thankfully I tend to stare at my machine while it runs so despite this happening several times switching from my superfly to a 1/4 or 3/8 cutter, I caught it before the 7500 spindle speed caused something major to happen. Only seems to occur for the first tool change of the program and only under very specific conditions which I am not always able to replicate.
    Years ago I had a spooky problem like this and It only happened when g54 was the offset. use any other and the problem was gone. Hope there is nothing like that creeping back into the distro. If I remember it skipped to first line of position code in the very last operation in the program. skipping all other lines and using whatever tool that is in spindle and away it would go.
    still a gouge in one vice jaw to this day from that error.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Anyone notice a way hide PP hub window that is now part of file tab?
    Or should I maybe using this?
    Network connection seams different and takes longer to connect and send files to.

  5. #5

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    All info below involves their lathe.

    I haven't found a way to hide it (hub window) yet. I switched it to USB to remove some of the clutter.

    New update fixed the coolant issue I was having, but I now have to confirm each operation for every program that the coolant is now turned on. Only have to do it once, but I have to do it for all of them. Last update completely F'd that one up.

    There's been a change in speeds again. I have parts that I need to flip half way through machining and I run a command to move back in X and Z. These movements are a LOT slower than they were before.

    It is nice that when I want to edit a file and after clicking on the File tab, I don't have to click on the file name before I can get the Edit File to be highlighted. Last update F'd that one up too.

    Last and weird issue....two pumps and a quiver... At the end of every program, when the spindle shuts down, coolant shuts off, Z goes to G30, the coolant pump is activated for a half second or so. I've had many giggles today while imitating that last little spurt.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    I'm a BIG fan of the new release regarding the access to the PathPilot HUB. My 1100 S3 is in my shop that's 50 yards from our house. I'm still a strictly G-code only guy at present and use PP HUB in the house to debug my routines. Throw it on a jump drive, walk to the shop and copy it to the controller. Maybe tweak feed rates some on the machine and write the revised routine back to the jump drive, then copy back onto our computer in the house.

    PP 2.6.0 eliminates the jump drive fiddling back and forth. I debug the routine at the house computer on PP HUB. Just have to remember to copy the tweaked routine back to the HUB file. Run out to the machine and my files are all there. Any tweaks at the machine just have to be copied back into the HUB file screen.

    Basically lets me use the PP HUB as cloud based storage while the routines are being developed. Naturally, I still archive the finished routines on our computer in the house and on the 1100's controller..


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    I have had a similar problem for some time. I don't have an ATC and it either doesn't stop for a tool change or stops but doesn't update the tool (and length offset). It happens too often, but seems random. Something I have never figured out yet. I did wonder if the mouse was faulty and false left clicking. I replaced the mouse with a new water proof one but the problem remains.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    I don't have an ATC either and have never experienced the non-stop or ignored offset problem. Does this problem happen every time on a particular job or seemingly randomly when an unchanged job is run repeatedly? What version of PP? Did Tormach have any suggestions? Could you post your tool change code and the lines just before and after a tool change?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    The issue was present as recently as 2.5.2. Here's the last few emails I had with the software guy there which seems to suggest the issue only presents when single block mode is enabled prior to the start of the program. I have not attempted to replicate the issue since upgrading to 2.6 so it may or may not still be there. I have had single block mode on at the start of a program but have not turned off optional stop for anything I've run since the update.

    For me, the issue presented randomly on a variety of programs. Given that I would only ever use single block on a first run of a new program, I've never had it happen more than once on any given day or with any given program.

    Me: Prior to running the program I would have had T1 loaded to manually touch off the part. I typically put the first tool the program calls for in the spindle prior to starting any program but I usually do not tell the machine that it's there and simply cycle start when the tool change prompt comes up for that first tool. The initial prompt for T4 at the start of the program worked fine, the change to T5 is the one that was skipped at line 110 just after N30.

    Tormach: That was the clue I needed! I've been able to reproduced the issue locally, and will have a fix in the next version of PathPilot. In the meantime, I believe you can work around the issue by avoiding single-block mode at the very start of the program (turning it on after the program starts is ok).

    Me: Thank you for the update Rob. I might have to do some playing with the single block from the start or not. I was never able to reliably replicate the behavior but I don’t always single block except on new programs and I typically only single block through the first couple moves.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Quote Originally Posted by soofle616 View Post
    Tormach: That was the clue I needed! I've been able to reproduced the issue locally, and will have a fix in the next version of PathPilot. In the meantime, I believe you can work around the issue by avoiding single-block mode at the very start of the program (turning it on after the program starts is ok).
    Thanks! That explains why I've not encountered the problem plus makes me feel much better! I'm currently on 2.5.2 but never use Single Block Mode.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Using single block at the start of a program seems to trigger all sorts of weirdness.If my program uses M98 and the sub is at the end of the program below M30 and I have used single block to check the offset is correct then when the program is run it will ignore G30 at the end and run through the sub and not always in a particularly great place.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Great result, Most of my programs only get run once and I always use single block to start with, so a work around will be useful in the mean time.... I do like the new water proof mouse though....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Does "We fixed an issue with non-Tormach (unsupported) touch screens, where a calibration error occurred when the controller powered on. (PP-2980)" mean I can use a touch screen other than Tormach with some sort of decent chance it will work? Or is very limited options on other's touch screens that fit into this statement?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigster View Post
    Does "We fixed an issue with non-Tormach (unsupported) touch screens, where a calibration error occurred when the controller powered on. (PP-2980)" mean I can use a touch screen other than Tormach with some sort of decent chance it will work? Or is very limited options on other's touch screens that fit into this statement?
    I have a couple mono price 15" touch screens and they work fine

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    I have the 19" monoprice touchscreen and it's worked fine since day one. That was several PP versions ago.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    PP 2.6.1 seems to have start problems in the "run from here" selection, it does work after a few tries, there are 3 options and to me that is kind of confusing. I select run from here with the correct tool number in the mdi box and it makes a couple small moves then wants to start from the beginning, maybe something I am doing wrong??
    mike sr

  17. #17
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    Jun 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Quote Originally Posted by popspipes View Post
    PP 2.6.1 seems to have start problems in the "run from here" selection, it does work after a few tries, there are 3 options and to me that is kind of confusing. I select run from here with the correct tool number in the mdi box and it makes a couple small moves then wants to start from the beginning, maybe something I am doing wrong??
    EDIT: I think maybe it works OK, its just my understanding of how it works with the extra moves and the tool selected not showing up when it first starts making moves, confusing to me?? but then again lots of things are confusing these days ha!
    mike sr

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    run from here problem:

    type: find t26 enter
    right click, set start line at t26, it will select t34 and start machining.

    It is evidently a glitch in the PP 2.6.1 this has done this several times, eventually it will get it right after several tries.

    One time it set the wrong tool height, I checked it in the tool table and on the height gage and those was ok.
    mike sr

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    Quote Originally Posted by popspipes View Post
    run from here problem:

    type: find t26 enter
    right click, set start line at t26, it will select t34 and start machining.

    It is evidently a glitch in the PP 2.6.1 this has done this several times, eventually it will get it right after several tries.

    One time it set the wrong tool height, I checked it in the tool table and on the height gage and those was ok.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_2146.jpg  
    mike sr

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: PathPilot 2.6.0 Release

    I have found out that the right click does not select the start line, just because it highlights does not mean its selected! I have to left click on the line, then it will change color again and it is selected I think?? This was not the case in 2.3.6.

    the change in tool height has me a bit concerned as I have never had this happen in Pathpilot.
    mike sr

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