To save people some searching:
So unlimited archives and a limit of 10 active/editable documents and you're free to alter that list at any time. My guess is this is meant to inconvenience the license cheaters. Unfortunately it also inconveniences legitimate hobbyists. I'm starting to wish I'd maintained my early adopter license but they may have found a way to limit that as well. I was into it for $600 (or maybe $900) at the time.

Even with the new restrictions I still see this as the best free software available. The scary part is this may not be the end of the license changes, like a death of 1000 cuts.
There didn't use to be anything good in the Linux world -- maybe that has changed
I've kept one foot in the FreeCad world just in case AutoDesk shuts the door completely. Compared to Fusion it's buggy and clumsy but it is free forever.