Not the update I had hoped to post but progress has been made. Step-down transformer, off-delay relay, and a pair of 110 panel mount sockets have been installed and wired in. Unfortunately, the bi-directional nature of AC power meant my planned wiring arrangement caused all sorts of odd behaviors between the pump and the fan. The solution will prove fairly easy but requires one additional relay (on order, should arrive wednesday) and some reworking of the factory wiring. Short version, the relay output on the ECM that used to directly power the pump motor now serves as a signal only to a pair of relays, one to run the pump, the other an off delay to run the fan. The positive side affect of this is I now have a discrete relay to burn up instead of the ECM should I ever decide to up the HP of my coolant pump.

The dual outlets was sort of a last second decision that in hindsight I'm happy I decided to throw in there. One outlet is tied to the time delay relay for the fan operation while the other is simply connected to the 110 side of the new transformer and will be powered as soon as the machine is taken out of reset. While I don't have it yet, that "always on" outlet will eventually serve to feed power to a tramp oil skimmer so I don't have to deal with plugging that device in separately. In a couple more days when this is for real done, I will post a few more photos, part numbers, and a wiring guide for anyone interested in replicating what I've done.