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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Tormach Personal CNC Mill > Tormach PathPilot™ > Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    I cut the cable 10 years ago.
    Netflix is $8.99 a month, and youtube is free!
    Just sayin'.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelHenry View Post
    Some folks probably spend that much per month on cable TV.
    And to some people $300 is an above average monthly salary. Either way, the problem is not the price per se, but the whole busines model of "software as a service" and "file as a hostage".

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by CitizenOfDreams View Post
    And to some people $300 is an above average monthly salary. Either way, the problem is not the price per se, but the whole busines model of "software as a service" and "file as a hostage".

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by jwatte View Post
    I cut the cable 10 years ago.
    Netflix is $8.99 a month, and youtube is free!
    Just sayin'.
    I don't know about you but in our country Netflix and youtube require internet, and that's not free here.

    Quote Originally Posted by CitizenOfDreams View Post
    And to some people $300 is an above average monthly salary.
    If I had to live from $300 a month I doubt I'd have CNC machining as a hobby!


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    So they did add back in step files. A big one for me, rapids...but you can easily edit the G code once posted to bypass this. Lars does talk about some workarounds.
    Good video if you haven't seen it yet.


    I think I can get by without the subscription but if I have to shell out what comes to $25/month for it, I guess I can live with it. It does just suck that people leaned this way b/c it was free. We put in 100's of hours working with it and $300 is a big jump up from free. I'm sticking with F360 regardless..I have ZERO interest in relearning something else and I did try a few recently...not apple to apples.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Hi, I want to know if anyone has found anything else out there that will do 4th and 5th axis work for the hobbyist? Deskproto comes in at about $1600 AUD as a purely CAM solution but is the anything else?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    SprutCAM does 4th & 5th axis with the applicable versions. Tormach has (or used to) special pricing for Tormach owners through SprutCAM America.

  8. #28
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by ShortBill View Post
    Hi, I want to know if anyone has found anything else out there that will do 4th and 5th axis work for the hobbyist? Deskproto comes in at about $1600 AUD as a purely CAM solution but is the anything else?
    According to https://www.deskproto.com/order/prices.php the hobby version is € 248.00 (or about aud$410 at the current exchange rate) and includes all of the multi-axis goodies. Have you tried their demo version?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    I was using F360 today and a popup appeared leading me to website to upgrade. Does anyone know when the $297 price expires and the $495 goes back into play? I'm concerned the new version won't work well for me and I'll be stuck with $495. I really need to wait and see but I don't want to wait and find Oct 1st it goes back up in price What a PAIN!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigster View Post
    I was using F360 today and a popup appeared leading me to website to upgrade. Does anyone know when the $297 price expires and the $495 goes back into play? I'm concerned the new version won't work well for me and I'll be stuck with $495. I really need to wait and see but I don't want to wait and find Oct 1st it goes back up in price What a PAIN!
    From the other thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by TurboStep View Post
    From the US site:
    Offer available from August 7 until October 23, 2020 in the United States, Canada and Latin America. Some products and conditions vary per region.

    Available from participating resellers and Autodesk Stores only. Reseller prices may vary. Please consult your local Autodesk reseller for further details.


    The Swiss site states only until 16th October, so everyone should check their local offer.
    I just rechecked the US site and the dates haven't changed.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigster View Post
    I was using F360 today and a popup appeared leading me to website to upgrade. Does anyone know when the $297 price expires and the $495 goes back into play? I'm concerned the new version won't work well for me and I'll be stuck with $495. I really need to wait and see but I don't want to wait and find Oct 1st it goes back up in price What a PAIN!
    NOVEDGE still sells $297-1 year sub and an $801 3 year subscription.

    I must say I seen some very impressive work done by people with that program suite! And the last couple years had me shaking my head and thinking, wow!
    I kind of hope some of you very talented people out there can find it in their beer or coffee money to pay and continue your work with the suite! Eye candy for me!

    IMHO your not going to find a better product price point, period!

    I have thousands tied up in cad/cam over years of use. To keep current the cam alone costs more then fusion suite!
    In my case I was un willing to give up some very hard earned cam experience and large cad widget library to start learning a new cad/cam suite!
    I still think I made an expensive poor choice in the long run.

  12. #32

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by vmax549 View Post
    We tried to tell yall but you would not listen.
    I've had discussions where guys had insisted that fushion had far too many users to turn off the tap , while I insisted nothing from corporate is free . It's all about marketing and motive .

    The offer of $300 for the yr is only $25 a month , and when next yrs renewal comes up at 500 then it's $41/month . The average guy once a month can easily drink that away in an evening out . Or , for $2500 a guy could get sprutcam or haggle bobcad for full 4 axis machining vs a 5 yr subscription . yes there is a price to pay in the short term but the long term isn't that long of a time span either

    Dolphin and cambam are both dirt cheap and will do any 2d work and there are numerous other options , ecam is another which looks to be a promising software which appears to be still in development

    At least with these alternatives a guy doesn't have to work on the cloud or rely on subscriptions which will be prone to change year to year , or end altogether

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    My guess is that, because they've had discounts in the past, they will have discounts in the future.
    I'd predict that the end of each fiscal quarter, or each end of each fiscal year, might see a discount sales drive, based on how corporations usually work on the inside.
    But KNOW? No. If you want the price you see right now, press the buy button right now.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    I just open one of my old models and tried to generate the toll paths. Some worked and some didn't. On the ones that didn't I got no error. Nothing happened they just stayed marked with the red dot. The ones that didn't work were 2D Adaptive, Trace, and Engrave. I'll try some more later when I have some time.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    I had a little more time to play with F360. I tried some other models and the adaptive worked fine. I also posted some code and compared it to code I had previous posted. They do put a note right in the code "(WHEN USING FUSION 360 FOR PERSONAL USE, THE FEEDRATE OF RAPID MOVES IS REDUCED TO MATCH THE FEEDRATE OF CUTTING MOVES, WHICH CAN INCREASE MACHINING TIME. UNRESTRICTED RAPID MOVES ARE AVAILABLE WITH A FUSION 360 SUBSCRIPTION.)". There are still rapid moves at the beginning and end of the post but none in the middle like the old posted code.

    N20 G53 G0 Z0.
    (2D ADAPTIVE1)
    N25 M9
    N30 T1 M6
    N35 S5450 M3
    N40 G54
    N45 M7
    N50 G0 X-1.5679 Y-1.4258
    N34165 Z0.6 F60.
    N34170 M9
    N34175 G53 G0 Z0.
    N34180 M30

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by rcheli View Post
    I had a little more time to play with F360. I tried some other models and the adaptive worked fine. I also posted some code and compared it to code I had previous posted. They do put a note right in the code "(WHEN USING FUSION 360 FOR PERSONAL USE, THE FEEDRATE OF RAPID MOVES IS REDUCED TO MATCH THE FEEDRATE OF CUTTING MOVES, WHICH CAN INCREASE MACHINING TIME. UNRESTRICTED RAPID MOVES ARE AVAILABLE WITH A FUSION 360 SUBSCRIPTION.)". There are still rapid moves at the beginning and end of the post but none in the middle like the old posted code.

    N20 G53 G0 Z0.
    (2D ADAPTIVE1)
    N25 M9
    N30 T1 M6
    N35 S5450 M3
    N40 G54
    N45 M7
    N50 G0 X-1.5679 Y-1.4258
    N34165 Z0.6 F60.
    N34170 M9
    N34175 G53 G0 Z0.
    N34180 M30
    That's weird. I kept restarting Fusion yesterday and signing in/out but I couldn't identify any differences. I don't see the comment about the rapids in the code like you do. Tool changes are still the same and rapids appear in the middle of the code as usual:

    G1 X-70.681 Z4.135
    G1 X-70.816 Z4.302
    G1 X-70.938 Z4.478
    G1 X-71.047 Z4.662
    G1 X-71.143 Z4.854
    G1 X-71.225 Z5.052
    G1 X-71.292 Z5.255
    G1 X-71.345 Z5.462
    G1 X-71.383 Z5.673
    G1 X-71.406 Z5.886
    G1 X-71.414 Z6.1
    G0 X71.414 Y23.512
    G1 X71.406 Z5.886 F1000.
    G1 X71.383 Z5.673
    G1 X71.345 Z5.462
    G1 X71.292 Z5.255
    G1 X71.225 Z5.052
    G1 X71.143 Z4.854
    G1 X71.047 Z4.662
    G1 X70.938 Z4.478
    G1 X70.816 Z4.302
    G1 X70.681 Z4.135
    G1 X70.535 Z3.979
    A little disappointing really I must be doing something "wrong"

    I noticed in your code that the tool change didn't include a G43. Is that the same as the previous code???


  17. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    The G43 was a little further down in the code. I snipped out the belly to make it shorter. Here is a little more of the post. I do manual tool changes and create one file per tool.

    (T1 D=0.25 CR=0. - ZMIN=-0.253 - FLAT END MILL)
    N10 G90 G94 G17 G91.1
    N15 G20
    N20 G53 G0 Z0.
    (2D ADAPTIVE1)
    N25 M9
    N30 T1 M6
    N35 S5450 M3
    N40 G54
    N45 M7
    N50 G0 X-1.5679 Y-1.4258
    N55 G43 Z0.6 H1
    N60 G1 Z0.2 F60.
    N65 Z-0.203
    N70 Z-0.228 F30.
    N75 X-1.5676 Y-1.4257 Z-0.2319
    N80 X-1.5668 Y-1.4253 Z-0.2357
    N85 X-1.5655 Y-1.4246 Z-0.2393
    N90 X-1.5636 Y-1.4236 Z-0.2427
    N95 X-1.5614 Y-1.4224 Z-0.2457
    N100 X-1.5587 Y-1.4211 Z-0.2482

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    I noticed they have a monthly subscription. Pay 60$ and do all your cad cam that month! Then make stuff for months and or relax until you have another project worthy of paying the rental.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    I noticed they have a monthly subscription. Pay 60$ and do all your cad cam that month! Then make stuff for months and or relax until you have another project worthy of paying the rental.
    And then edit the gcode to correct any mistakes. A great way to improve productivity!

  20. #40
    Join Date
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    Re: Fusion 360 Reduces Functionality for hobby users

    Quote Originally Posted by kstrauss View Post
    And then edit the gcode to correct any mistakes. A great way to improve productivity!
    I meant draw, model, and setup cam, test and move on. By end of month you can have a number of parts to make over and over. Other wise if your doing one and done like half my stuff IMHO its simple to pay for the added function and usability. The software costs a dollar a day. I can throw that away with one spoiled part, yet alone take the fun out of doing this. That would be a major project killer for me right there and my cnc tools would set idle more

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