I'm going to do my best to the original control to work but it would seam there are some gremlins.

So rewiring the transformer fixed the resistor over heating and as suspected the voltage to the board was really low as a result. A quick adjustment of the pot and I was back in business. I was able to get it to boot to the menu screen with no errors. The first attempt to home the system resulted in a "limit switch always touched" error, I was able to track it down to a bad x axis limit through a nifty PLC Diag screen. I hooked up a temp sensor and was able to get it to home reliably. All seem to function well for a few days of fumbling through menus learning the interface besides the spindle, seems like I could turn it on and never turn it off. I'm impressed with how quiet this thing moves including the spindle. Then it was all down hill from there, suddenly when it try's to home I will get x y z ok then "E365 DVR: Position tolerance - overflow (16)" it will disable all the drives with red lights. I'm not sure if this is happening cause the spindle wont home now? I have voltage 160DC going to the spinal driver but no status light.