Quote Originally Posted by clockstick View Post
Yes I did meter out each one. And FWD remained unchanged no matter which ground reference I used, for spindle on or off from Mach. This lead me to try the second breakout board. I believe I may have toasted the Breakout board doing this, but seeing as my plasma table does not need spindle control, I put this one in. It works well now. The only problem I have is that whatever Mach Commands the spindle will try to run and will ignore the minimum speed of 6000rpm I set in the VFD settings. So I will need to make sure that my CAM software has a minimum output of 6000rpm.
The problem is your 0-10v is analog it is not normal to have both using the same common in some cases this can work but is not normal, this may be why you are having this problem can you do a photo closeup of the breakout board terminals may be able to see what they are doing with this breakout board