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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    The Motor. Encoder on motor.
    Duh Im with stupid today, sorry. 10000 counts moves motor by 1 rev.
    Correct, 26923 counts moves the turret by one Rev.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    So with 16 slots that should be 1682.69 counts per slot.

    Are you able to Home the turret to the switch?

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Quote Originally Posted by TomKerekes View Post
    So with 16 slots that should be 1682.69 counts per slot.

    Are you able to Home the turret to the switch?
    More like 1682.6923076923075... lol

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Have not tried it with the servo motor, dont see why not as i was doing it with the geneva mechanism.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Quote Originally Posted by mmurray70 View Post
    More like 1682.6923076923075... lol
    I think we are starting to rub off on Tom... he actually rounding off numbers now.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Here is code for referencing the Carousel only.
    #include "KMotionDef.h"
    #define TMP 10					// which spare persist to use to transfer data
    #include "KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c"
    	ch5->InputMode = ENCODER_MODE;
    	ch5->OutputMode = DAC_SERVO_MODE;
    	ch5->Vel = 20500;
    	ch5->Accel = 25000;
    	ch5->Jerk = 250000;
    	ch5->P = 40;
    	ch5->I = 0.005;
    	ch5->D = 0;
    	ch5->FFAccel = 0;
    	ch5->FFVel = 0.4;
    	ch5->MaxI = 800;
    	ch5->MaxErr = 200;
    	ch5->MaxOutput = 1950;
    	ch5->DeadBandGain = 1;
    	ch5->DeadBandRange = 0;
    	ch5->InputChan0 = 5;
    	ch5->InputChan1 = 5;
    	ch5->OutputChan0 = 5;
    	ch5->OutputChan1 = 11;
    	ch5->MasterAxis = -1;
    	ch5->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x100;
    	ch5->LimitSwitchNegBit = 0;
    	ch5->LimitSwitchPosBit = 0;
    	ch5->SoftLimitPos = 1e+30;
    	ch5->SoftLimitNeg = -1e+30;
    	ch5->InputGain0 = -1;
    	ch5->InputGain1 = 1;
    	ch5->InputOffset0 = 0;
    	ch5->InputOffset1 = 0;
    	ch5->OutputGain = 1;
    	ch5->OutputOffset = 0;
    	ch5->SlaveGain = 1;
    	ch5->BacklashMode = BACKLASH_OFF;
    	ch5->BacklashAmount = 0;
    	ch5->BacklashRate = 0;
    	ch5->invDistPerCycle = 1;
    	ch5->Lead = 0;
    	ch5->MaxFollowingError = 20000;
    	ch5->StepperAmplitude = 20;
    	ch5->iir[0].B0 = 1;
    	ch5->iir[0].B1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[0].B2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[0].A1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[0].A2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[1].B0 = 1;
    	ch5->iir[1].B1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[1].B2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[1].A1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[1].A2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[2].B0 = 1;
    	ch5->iir[2].B1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[2].B2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[2].A1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[2].A2 = 0;
    	ch0->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x00000000;	// disable limits
    	EnableAxisDest(5, 0.0);
    	Jog(5, 2000);				// start moving
    	while (!ReadBit(1032));		// wait for Carousel Limit switch ??What if already Triggered??
    	Jog(5, 0);					// StopMotion
    	while (!CheckDone(5));
    	EnableAxisDest(5, 0.0);
    	Move(5, 435);
    	while (!CheckDone(5));
    	EnableAxisDest(5, 0.0);

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Hi Troy,

    That looks good except for disabling Axis 0 limits for some reason.

    Does it work?

    Does it result in being aligned at Slot 0?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Hmmm... no idea how Axis 0 got in there. I used the Copy C code to clipboard button.

    It does work. After limit switch is triggered i have to move an additional 435 counts to align slot with spindle.
    The result is Tool Pocket 16 is aligned with spindle.

    Been trying to figure out more of the tool change sequence. I understand how it should work,in English,but have no clue in Ccode lingo. Google translate needs to add Ccode to its library.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Post each step in English and we will translate for you. They must be basic and unambiguous steps.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    To make sure iam understanding this correctly , below is the 2 parts of my original M6 tool change code that i believe is all that needs changed.

    First step of my original M6 tool change....
    Does this part need to know that each pocket is 1682.692307692308 counts incrementally, so step 9 of program knows where to rotate to?

    // 1. Determine how many pockets to rotate
    	int pockets = persist.UserData[6] - persist.UserData[157];	// pockets = requested tool - current tool
    	if (pockets == 0)
    		return 0;				// No toolchange needed, End
    	if (pockets >= 8)
    		pockets = -16 + pockets;	// If more then halfway CW, reverse
    	if (pockets <= -8)
    		pockets = 16 + pockets;	// If more then halfway CCW, reverse
    	persist.UserData[161] = 1;	// Toolchanger active disable feedhold button
    	ResumeCoordinatedMotion();	// Clear feedhold
    // 2. Turn off Flood Coolant if left on

    And part that tells which way to rotate and how many pockets to selected pocket.

    // 9. Rotate Carousel 
    	while (pockets >= 1)		// Rotate Turret CW whatever number of pockets
    		SetBit(49);				// TC Carousel Motor On CW
    		while (!ReadBit(1033))
    			WaitNextTimeSlice();	// Wait for CarouselMotorProxSensor
    		ClearBit(49);			// TC_Carousel CW Motor Off
    		pockets = pockets - 1;
    	while (pockets <= -1)		// Rotate Turret CCW whatever number of pockets
    		SetBit(50);				// TC Carousel Motor On CCW
    		while (!ReadBit(1033))
    			WaitNextTimeSlice();	// Wait for CarouselMotorProxSensor
    		ClearBit(50);			// TC_Carousel CCW Motor Off
    		pockets = pockets + 1;
    // 10. Move Tool Changer UP

  11. #31
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Hi Troy,

    I don't think Step 1 needs to change. It should still work to calculate how many pockets to rotate.

    Then Step 9 can just do a relative move:

    MoveRel(5, pockets * 1682.69);
    while(!CheckDone(5));  // wait till finished

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    I added your code to my Reference and Tool change programs. In the reference program, after the limit switch is triggered, carousel is supposed to rotate to current tool. But it never stops rotating. When rotating, carousel rotates one pocket at a time and pauses.

    When trying to execute the Tool change code, carousel will rotate about 3 or 4(cant really tell by watching) pockets and pause.And just keeps repeating this, never stops.
    Here is both complete programs.


    #include "KMotionDef.h"
    #define TMP 10					// which spare persist to use to transfer data
    #include "KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c"
    #define Z 2
    //V3 Servo Driven
    	ch5->InputMode = ENCODER_MODE;
    	ch5->OutputMode = DAC_SERVO_MODE;
    	ch5->Vel = 20500;
    	ch5->Accel = 25000;
    	ch5->Jerk = 250000;
    	ch5->P = 40;
    	ch5->I = 0.005;
    	ch5->D = 0;
    	ch5->FFAccel = 0;
    	ch5->FFVel = 0.4;
    	ch5->MaxI = 800;
    	ch5->MaxErr = 200;
    	ch5->MaxOutput = 1950;
    	ch5->DeadBandGain = 1;
    	ch5->DeadBandRange = 0;
    	ch5->InputChan0 = 5;
    	ch5->InputChan1 = 5;
    	ch5->OutputChan0 = 5;
    	ch5->OutputChan1 = 11;
    	ch5->MasterAxis = -1;
    	ch5->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x100;
    	ch5->LimitSwitchNegBit = 0;
    	ch5->LimitSwitchPosBit = 0;
    	ch5->SoftLimitPos = 1e+30;
    	ch5->SoftLimitNeg = -1e+30;
    	ch5->InputGain0 = -1;
    	ch5->InputGain1 = 1;
    	ch5->InputOffset0 = 0;
    	ch5->InputOffset1 = 0;
    	ch5->OutputGain = 1;
    	ch5->OutputOffset = 0;
    	ch5->SlaveGain = 1;
    	ch5->BacklashMode = BACKLASH_OFF;
    	ch5->BacklashAmount = 0;
    	ch5->BacklashRate = 0;
    	ch5->invDistPerCycle = 1;
    	ch5->Lead = 0;
    	ch5->MaxFollowingError = 20000;
    	ch5->StepperAmplitude = 20;
    	ch5->iir[0].B0 = 1;
    	ch5->iir[0].B1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[0].B2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[0].A1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[0].A2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[1].B0 = 1;
    	ch5->iir[1].B1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[1].B2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[1].A1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[1].A2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[2].B0 = 1;
    	ch5->iir[2].B1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[2].B2 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[2].A1 = 0;
    	ch5->iir[2].A2 = 0;
    // Tool Changer IN
    	SetBit(62);					// TC_IN solenoid
    	while (!ReadBit(1035))		// Check TC_IN limit switch
    		ClearBit(62);			// TC_IN solenoid
    // Move Tool Changer UP
    	SetBit(60);					// TC_UP Solenoid
    	while (!ReadBit(1037))		// Wait for TC_UP Limit Switch
    		ClearBit(60);			//TC_UP solenoid   
    // Rotate Carousel to LimitSwitch
    	EnableAxisDest(5, 0.0);
    	Jog(5, 2000);				// start moving
    	Delay_sec(2.5);                         //??What if Limit Switch already Triggered??
    	while (!ReadBit(1032));		// wait for Carousel Limit switch 
    	Jog(5, 0);					// StopMotion
    	while (!CheckDone(5));
    	EnableAxisDest(5, 0.0);
    	Move(5, 435);
    	while (!CheckDone(5));
    	EnableAxisDest(5, 0.0);
    	FILE *f;
    	char s[256];
    	double CTool = 0;
    	int result;
    	persist.UserData[157] = 16;
    	printf("Current tool=%f\n", CTool);
    	// Send MDI code to kmotion to display proper tool
    	char s[80];
    	sprintf(s, "T%d", persist.UserData[157]);
    	MDI(s);						//send the T word  
    	FILE *f;
    	char s[256];
    	double CTool = 0;
    	int result;
    	f = fopen("c:\\KMotionFiles\\KFlopData.txt", "rt");
    	if (!f)
    		printf("Unable to open file\n");
    	result = fscanf(f, "%lf", &CTool);
    	persist.UserData[157] = CTool;
    	printf("Current tool=%f\n", CTool);
    	// Send MDI code to kmotion to display proper tool
    	char s[80];
    	sprintf(s, "T%d", persist.UserData[157]);
    	MDI(s);						//send the T word
    	// 1. Determine how many pockets to rotate
    	int pockets = persist.UserData[157];	// pockets = requested tool - current tool
    	if (pockets == 0)
    		return 0;				// No toolchange needed, End
    	if (pockets >= 8)
    		pockets = -16 + pockets;	// If more then halfway CW, reverse
    	if (pockets <= -8)
    		pockets = 16 + pockets;	// If more then halfway CCW, reverse
    	persist.UserData[161] = 1;	// Toolchanger active disable feedhold button
    	ResumeCoordinatedMotion();	// Clear feedhold
    // 9. Rotate Carousel 
    	while (pockets >= 1)		// Rotate Turret CW whatever number of pockets
    		MoveRel(5, pockets * 1682.69);
    		while (!CheckDone(5));	// wait till finished    
    	while (pockets <= -1)		// Rotate Turret CCW whatever number of pockets
    		MoveRel(5, -pockets * 1682.69);
    		while (!CheckDone(5));	// wait till finished    
    	ClearBit(62);				//TC_IN Solenoid
    	ClearBit(60);				//TC_UP Solenoid
    	ClearBit(48);				//ZeroServoCommand to VFD
    	ClearBit(156);				//SpindleOrientateProx minusVolt 
    	ClearBit(147);				//SpindleCW
    	ClearBit(148);				//SpindleCCW


    #include "KMotionDef.h"
    #define TMP 10					// which spare persist to use to transfer data
    #include "KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c"
    #define Z 2
    //V2, Servo Driven
    	if (!ReadBit(137))
    		return 0;				// if in Estop, Exit program
    // 1. Determine how many pockets to rotate
    	int pockets = persist.UserData[6] - persist.UserData[157];	// pockets = requested tool - current tool
    	if (pockets == 0)
    		return 0;				// No toolchange needed, End
    	if (pockets >= 8)
    		pockets = -16 + pockets;	// If more then halfway CW, reverse
    	if (pockets <= -8)
    		pockets = 16 + pockets;	// If more then halfway CCW, reverse
    	persist.UserData[161] = 1;	// Toolchanger active disable feedhold button
    	ResumeCoordinatedMotion();	// Clear feedhold
    // 2. Turn off Flood Coolant if left on
    	int coolanton = 0;
    	if (ReadBit(157))			// if flood coolant on
    		coolanton = 1;			//  set variable to 1
    		ClearBit(157);			// Flood coolant off
    		Delay_sec(.2);			// delay
    // 3. Turn off spindle
    	if (ReadBit(147) || ReadBit(148))	//check if spindle is running forward or reverse
    		ClearBit(147);			// turn off spindle clockwise
    		ClearBit(148);			// turn off spindle counterclockwise
    		while (fast_fabs(Spindle.TrueSpeedRPS) * 60.0 > 0.0);	//wait untiless than 5RPM
    // 4. Move to toolchange position Z-1.01inches from Reference Position
    		Move(Z, -20528);
    		while (!CheckDone(2))
    			WaitNextTimeSlice();	// wait until we are stopped
    // 5. Orientate
    	if (!ReadBit(1035))			// if toolchanger slide is not home estop
    		ClearBit(137);			// E-stop
    		printf("E-stop Toolchanger not Home");
    		persist.UserData[155] = 1;	// Enable orientate speed override
    		SetBit(156);			// Kanalog Switch4 to turn on SpindleOrientateProxSensor
    		Delay_sec(0.1);			// Delay 0.1s
    		DAC(7, -16);			// set motor rpm approx 30
    		SetBit(147);			// spindle on CW        
    		Delay_sec(0.2);			// wait for spindle to reach speed  
    		while (!ReadBit(1038))
    			WaitNextTimeSlice();	// wait for SpindleOrientateProx signal
    		SetBit(48);				// Signal to VFD, set VFD to ZeroServoCommand
    		Delay_sec(0.90);		// Delay for spindle to stop at orientation that is set in VFD parameter
    		persist.UserData[155] = 0;	// Spindle speed normal
    		Delay_sec(0.75);		// wait before checking if successfull
    	while (!ReadBit(1035) || !ReadBit(1037))
    		WaitNextTimeSlice();	// Check TC is at home position.
    // 6. Tool Chnager OUT
    	SetBit(63);					// TC_OUT solenoid
    	ClearBit(63);				//TC_OUT solenoid
    	double TF = Time_sec() + 2;	// timeout in 2 seconds
    	while (!ReadBit(1034))		// Wait for TC_OUT limit switch
    		if (Time_sec() > TF)	// Timed out?
    			if (MsgBox("TC OUT Not Extended.  Halt?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDYES)
    				persist.UserData[161] = 0;	// toolchanger finished
    				return 0;		//exit program
    				TF = Time_sec() + 3;	// continue and timeout after 3 seconds
    // 7. Unclamp Tool
    	SetBit(59);					//Tool Release Solenoid
    	double TF = Time_sec() + 2;	// timeout in 2 seconds    
    	while (!ReadBit(1039))		// Wait for ToolReleaseProxSensor
    		if (Time_sec() > TF)	// Timed out?
    			if (MsgBox("Tool Release Failed.  Halt?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDYES)
    				persist.UserData[161] = 0;	// toolchanger finished
    				return 0;		//exit program
    				TF = Time_sec() + 3;	// continue and timeout after 3 seconds
    // 8. Move Tool Changer DOWN
    	SetBit(61);					// TC_DOWN Solenoid
    	ClearBit(61);				//TC_DOWN solenoid
    	double TF = Time_sec() + 2;	// timeout in 2 seconds    
    	while (!ReadBit(1036))		// Wait for TC_DOWN Limit Switch
    		if (Time_sec() > TF)	// Timed out?
    			if (MsgBox("TC DOWN Failed.  Halt?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDYES)
    				persist.UserData[161] = 0;	// toolchanger finished
    				return 0;		//exit program
    				TF = Time_sec() + 3;	// continue and timeout after 3 seconds
    // 9. Rotate Carousel 
    	while (pockets >= 1)		// Rotate Turret CW whatever number of pockets
    		MoveRel(5, pockets * 1682.69);
    		while (!CheckDone(5));	// wait till finished    
    	while (pockets <= -1)		// Rotate Turret CCW whatever number of pockets
    		MoveRel(5, -pockets * 1682.69);
    		while (!CheckDone(5));	// wait till finished    
    // 10. Move Tool Changer UP
    	SetBit(60);					// TC_UP Solenoid
    	ClearBit(60);				//TC_UP solenoid
    	double TF = Time_sec() + 2;	// timeout in 2 seconds    
    	while (!ReadBit(1037))		// Wait for TC_UP Limit Switch
    		if (Time_sec() > TF)	// Timed out?
    			if (MsgBox("TC UP Failed.  Halt?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDYES)
    				persist.UserData[161] = 0;	// toolchanger finished
    				return 0;		//exit program
    				TF = Time_sec() + 3;	// continue and timeout after 3 seconds
    // 11. Clamp tool
    	ClearBit(59);				//Tool Release Solenoid
    	double TF = Time_sec() + 2;	// timeout in 2 seconds
    	while (ReadBit(1039))		// Wait for Tool Release Proximity Sensor
    		if (Time_sec() > TF)	// Timed out?
    			if (MsgBox("Tool Clamp Failed.  Halt?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDYES)
    				persist.UserData[161] = 0;	// toolchanger finished
    				return 0;		//exit program
    				TF = Time_sec() + 3;	// continue and timeout after 3 seconds
    // 12. Tool Changer IN
    	SetBit(62);					// TC_IN solenoid
    	ClearBit(62);				// TC_IN solenoid
    	double TF = Time_sec() + 2;	// timeout in 2 seconds
    	while (!ReadBit(1035))		// Check TC_IN limit switch
    		if (Time_sec() > TF)	// Timed out?
    			if (MsgBox("TC Not Home.  Halt?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDYES)
    				persist.UserData[161] = 0;	// toolchanger finished
    				return 0;		//exit program
    				TF = Time_sec() + 3;	// continue and timeout after 3 seconds
    // 13. Set Variables
    	persist.UserData[157] = persist.UserData[6];	// Update current tool number
    	persist.UserData[161] = 0;	// toolchanger finished
    	printf("Tool changed to T%d\n", persist.UserData[157]);	// send message to console
    // 14. Write current tool # disk
    	FILE *f;
    	char s[256];
    	float CTool = persist.UserData[157];	// s value from g code       
    	f = fopen("c:\\KMotionFiles\\KFlopData.txt", "wt");
    	fprintf(s, "%f\n", CTool);
    // 15. Turn coolant back on
    	if (coolanton == 1)
    		SetBit(157);			// if flood coolant was on, turn on again

  13. #33
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Hi Troy,

    Regarding Reference. No need for multiple Moves. Let alone an infinite number (since pockets isn't changed in the while loop, once in the loop it will never exit). We know how far (and which direction) to move just do it. So change:

    	while (pockets >= 1)		// Rotate Turret CW whatever number of pockets
    		MoveRel(5, pockets * 1682.69);
    		while (!CheckDone(5));	// wait till finished    
    	while (pockets <= -1)		// Rotate Turret CCW whatever number of pockets
    		MoveRel(5, -pockets * 1682.69);
    		while (!CheckDone(5));	// wait till finished    

    		MoveRel(5, pockets * 1682.69);
    		while (!CheckDone(5));	// wait till finished

    Also it seems the Txxx MDI is being sent twice to KMotionCNC once before reading the file and once after. I don't really get the purpose.

    Also the same change needs to be made to the Tool Change Program

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    I copied an example so i dont know why there is 2 MDI being sent.

    Code change fixed it. Doing some testing, will post video later.

    Something else i have been wanting to change with tool change code is when Z moves into position. By using this....

    // 4. Move to toolchange position Z-1.01inches from Reference Position
    		Move(Z, -20528);
    		while (!CheckDone(2))
    			WaitNextTimeSlice();	// wait until we are stopped
    Would like the speed of Z axis movement set to my Rapid override. Same as when running a g code. Is this done by replacing Move(Z, -20528); with MoveAtVel(Z -20528); ?

  15. #35
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Would like the speed of Z axis movement set to my Rapid override. Same as when running a g code. Is this done by replacing Move(Z, -20528); with MoveAtVel(Z -20528); ?

    MoveAtVel(Z,-20528,chan[Z].Vel * CS0_LastRapidFRO);

  16. #36
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    That code is just what I was thinking. Nice and simple, very little changed in the original toolchange program.

    Nice to see your making progress. Post video of it when your done. Im jealous already. Want this on my machine but I really depend on her these days and cant really afford the downtime, and risk of creating more problems.

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Quote Originally Posted by TomKerekes View Post

    MoveAtVel(Z,-20528,chan[Z].Vel * CS0_LastRapidFRO);
    Took me a minute to figure out that CS0 is not with the letter 'O' but a zero. But its working as it should now.

    After testing my referencing program with the updated code for Servo driven tool changer, my axis limit switch pop up windows is messing up the tool changer referencing sequence. How can i set the pop up code in my main Init program to be ignored when referencing Ccode is being ran? Or should this be handled another way?

    Thanks again,

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Quote Originally Posted by mmurray70 View Post
    That code is just what I was thinking. Nice and simple, very little changed in the original toolchange program.

    Nice to see your making progress. Post video of it when your done. Im jealous already. Want this on my machine but I really depend on her these days and cant really afford the downtime, and risk of creating more problems.
    It was a surprise to me that it was such small code change.
    Still got some tuning to do, but its already looking much better.
    Iam not to that point of depending on it yet,still getting all my ducks in a row before going full time with it. Just side work now.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    I have been testing the tool change ccode and found out that if the any servo has a following error the main Init code does not cause an Emergency stop condition. What would the ccode be to cause an Emergency stop condition if there is an axis following error, for any axis?


  20. #40
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Servo Driven Toolchanger

    Hi Troy,

    It depends what you want to happen. But you might do something like:

    #include "KMotionDef.h"
    #define TMP 10 // which spare persist to use to transfer data
    #include "KflopToKMotionCNCFunctions.c"
    void main()
        BOOL WasEnabled=TRUE;
            // if any axis disables and was enabled do EStop
            if (!ch0->Enable || !ch1->Enable || !ch2->Enable)

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