I already have it bookmarked!

How do you like the lathe so far? Has it been worth the hassle?

I have a fair amount of experience behind manual lathes, I've never used a CNC lathe. That said, all of the lathes I have used, some of them quite nice big brand lathes, all have seen some serious use. This lathe being new actually really impresses me. I have done some beautiful work with it and it's required very little fuss on account of everything being nice and square and wear free. It's not been mutilated are or beat on, everything just works. This is party why I am so excited to get it converted, I think it's going to be pretty straightforward and results should be easy (at least compared to my never ending 0704 project). That said, I tend to agree that the spindle motor isn't outputting what it is rated at. It's definitely wimpy compared to every other lathe I have ever used. I'll probably go for a 1kw BLDC and VFD, something along those lines. I don't think I need 6kRPM, but a bit more grunt would be nice, and obviously I'd like to avoid having to change belts.