Quote Originally Posted by angelw View Post
Hello got2be,
For a start, your program code is flawed. The Conditional Statement "IF[#2EQ1]GOTO10" is irrelevant; the program will execute the same way whether the Conditional Statement is included or not.

In the above program, if #2=1. then the Conditional Block will test True and the program would branch to N10, which happens to be the Next Block. If #2 doesn't equal 1, then the Conditional Block will test False and therefore will not specifically branch to N10. When the Conditional Statement tests False, the program will simply step on to the Next Block, which just happens to be the N10 Block. Accordingly, the program executes in the same way irrespective of the value of #2.


Thank you Bill

I found a way how to use these variables, but right now I'm looking for Register in PLC of the axe direction (CW or CCW). Anyway thank very much.