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Thread: Arrow 2 EKK

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Arrow 2 EKK

    Hi all
    Slowly but sourly getting my arrow 2 simodrive 611 up and running
    Had a few glitches but do to helpful people on here got them sorted
    Machine is running axis aligned spindle runs

    issue I am having tool changer will not come to spindle (not sure if it matter the machine is not leveled yet) problem
    I have attached a PDF of the alarm

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    What did it do before the alarm?

    Did it try to move at all? - could be a bad relay if of not.
    Move the wrong way? Likely phasing issue.
    Move to spindle and fail? Prox switch issue or stopping in wrong position.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    Hey maver1ck
    Phasing is okay spindle is running the correct way.
    It moves forward about an inch it seems like its hitting a hard stop when I tell it to do a tool change
    I had all the covers off when I clean the machine.
    Will remove again to see if anything is loose as far as cables or switches
    Cant remember for sure if i press the tool change forward nothing happends will double check today

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    I would also say phase issue. I had the same problem. Spindle running correct is not dependent on phase.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    Sebalj, The Spindle motor is not phase-sensitive as it is being driven by the spindle drive and not just a contactor and three-phase power. If this machine has not run properly since it has been installed, it does sound like the motor that moves the Carousel to the spindle is running in the wrong direction. It moves a little forward due to the mechanical design and then stops because of the arm travel. Cycle the coolant or auger motor to check phase direction. If it's wrong, change any of the two incoming power wires, please check them with a meter before touching them. Good luck and I hope this helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    The fan on top of the spindle motor is 3 phase and should be blowing air up, if not then you have the machine phased wrong. Change phase wires 1 and 2 and check the fan.

    MIKE CNC Machine Services INC | Cincinnati Milacron MachinesCNC Machine Services

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    Yes Took the cover of the tool changer were the power is saw that the cam was going the wrong way
    Switched wires all good now. Just got a couple of things that pop up on start up looking for application third party
    and DHCP client could not be obtained Do you know what that is

    Thanks for your help

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    Hey Mike

    Went in this morning took the cover of the tool changer were the power is saw the cam roller going backwards
    Spoke to my electrocution swapped wires and all good now
    Thanks for your help

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    Thanks for the info It was the wires Once I swapped them went to spindle

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    Did you ever have these come up during start up

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    A DHCP client is an Internet host using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to obtain configuration parameters such as an IP address. This machine must have been connected to the internet and has some third-party software to get an IP address assigned upon startup. You can either remove the software or just skip the messages.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    Yes I will see if I can remove it. Thans

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    I may be going a bit overboard with the explanations here, but....
    DHCP is for an ethernet connection, not exclusively internet...the previous owner had the machine networked to allow transferring of programs easier and faster than using floppy or RS232 (and yes, it may have also been connected to the internet). The network card is likely still in the control so instead of removing the DHCP protocol, you could add the machine to your network (it will need to be configured though).

    And regarding phasing...one of the responses seems to indicate if any motor is running backwards all of them will be....that is frequently not the case on a used machine as wiring for some of the motors is disconnected for shipping (coolant pump, chip conveyor, etc.) and frequently are not reconnected properly so you could have some motors running the correct direction in spite of bringing the 3 phase to the machine reversed.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Arrow 2 EKK

    Thanks maver1ck
    You are very helpful. It is much appreciated. I have the machine running spindle correct orientation, air is blowing out on top of spindle motor, tool changer is working. As to the DHCP yes they have a unit installed on side of control that (I believe its by Shop floor automation) it has a USB and Ethernet I have not had a chance to try it out
    The machine came out of MEDRAD pharmaceutical R&D. High torque spindle part counter is about 1300 not sure how accurate that is.
    It has a password and I assume they had it on a network.
    Slowly I got it all sorted (little glitches)

    Would you know how to delete the password. For me not needed.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    It has been a while since I've had to remove the password from one of these so can't tell you what to do from memory. I would need to page through the config pages until I see what I'm looking for.

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