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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Servo Motors / Drives > Anyone Using Teknic SST-1500 Servo Control?
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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Anyone Using Teknic SST-1500 Servo Control?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex101 View Post
    Or may be someone have sst-1500 for sale?
    Are you still looking for one of these?

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Anyone Using Teknic SST-1500 Servo Control?

    Just got notification you posted to this thread, so I thought I'd at least reply back. Unfortunately, I don't have any new news to report on. This is due to many "interruptions" in life, with the most recent being a move from CO to TN and awaiting the time when our new home will be ready to move in to and a garage/workshop to be built afterward. That said, I haven't been able to make any progress on this build-up to this point in time. I'm hopeful I'll be able to get back to this project once the workshop is built, electric service setup everywhere I'll need, as well as installing compressed air from my 80-gal compressor with air cooler, air dryer and distribution system - I'm guessing sometime this coming fall or winter is the earliest I can bet back on this.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Anyone Using Teknic SST-1500 Servo Control?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rockyhud View Post
    Just got notification you posted to this thread, so I thought I'd at least reply back. Unfortunately, I don't have any new news to report on. This is due to many "interruptions" in life, with the most recent being a move from CO to TN and awaiting the time when our new home will be ready to move in to and a garage/workshop to be built afterward. That said, I haven't been able to make any progress on this build-up to this point in time. I'm hopeful I'll be able to get back to this project once the workshop is built, electric service setup everywhere I'll need, as well as installing compressed air from my 80-gal compressor with air cooler, air dryer and distribution system - I'm guessing sometime this coming fall or winter is the earliest I can bet back on this.
    Thanks for the update and best of luck with your new shop!

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Re: Anyone Using Teknic SST-1500 Servo Control?

    Hopefully a few of you guys familiar with these are out there....amazing to me how truly limited the amount of info there is out there given the shear number of these things out in the field...We have a number of these that were sitting on a shelf with motors and all the fixings for cables so I built a few cables and got them set up and have used the 6.4 Quickset to connect to them but have had several issues with getting them tuned in....firstly I get this odd Thermal Overload....I get it right on start so motor is certainly not hot and can't quite see anyway the drive will know the temp so....odd thing about it secondly is that give the motor a slight spin in either direction and indicator goes away and I can reset the drive....other thing is all the scope profiles they exhibit in the manual I simply can't seem to replicate going through the test procedure...Ki, Kp and etc in the PID loop tuning procedure just don't look like anything I get on the scope....

    Any ideas and procedural input would be greatly appreciated....they are RCX-1500 with 3411S Hudson motors and 8K encoders....Thanks!

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Re: Anyone Using Teknic SST-1500 Servo Control?

    One additional item I have come across is in the motor code analysis the "S" in the part number I have indicates a "C" type winding....as I have to do this odd bit of rotation to clear the thermal error I am thinking perhaps the issue is in the standard phase RST configuration....perhaps in a C winding the phasing is something different...TSR or perhaps STR....additionally of course in a 120 page manual there is a single little notation about leaving out a jumper in the motor cable construction for a differential encoder...nothing at all in the diagram for the cable construction itself.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Re: Anyone Using Teknic SST-1500 Servo Control?

    I did get this all sorted with some assistance from Teknic....The main issue I was having was the thermal cutoff which simply requires 5V located directly across from it on the pinout to be jumped over. Just be mindful of that other jumper as well....if the encoder is a differential you don't need it and if you aren't doing thermal feedback you need that one as well.
    I used their own Hudson motors and was informed these drives even pre-date them so they didn't have a canned cycle for configuring the velocity and acceleration loop so that was a bit fun but hey dusted of the old O-Scope and away I went. It didn't quite go for me as was highlighted in the manual but I did get them dialed in and all is well.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Re: Anyone Using Teknic SST-1500 Servo Control?

    I wanted to close out my experience with these drivers in the hope it may help others down the line as there are so many of these on eBay and Teknic still sells the Hudson motors for pretty short money making them a far superior option to the import stuff.
    Cables are a bit tedious to make but all the part numbers for everything including the wire types are on the website Legacy area and purchasing is easy for the wire on eBay and the connectors from Digikey and many other such suppliers.

    Tuning was the really tricky part but once I got a few base settings in line it went quite smooth...I adjusted the 2 basic V-P components to where it was snappy and crisp but definitely not whining....At that point you will notice the servo is quite soft and spongy...throw a rotate command and it will take a bit to settle and not be a real accurate 8000 counts, quite a bit at first actually...start to add in the Integral...they call it Ki and watch the encoder count carefully as you do a rotate one rev, 8000 pulses in my case, and watch the settle time...again at first it will bounce around quite a bit.....just keep doubling the Ki until it is very crisp and also very accurate....8000....16000.....24000...etc....it isn't at first....wait till you start to see it go PAST 1 or 2 counts and begin to dial it back in very small increments and you can get it very very snappy with very strong hold and 1 count repeatability over and over...I was going 10 rotations at 1200 accel and 2000 RPMS with a small lathe chuck and bearing setup/
    For my numbers as a starting spot I have 17000 Velocity....9000 Position....150 Integral with a M3411S-LS-08D.... i also went with 3700 on Acceleration Kfa and nothing else as it didn't have a significant effect.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Teknic Servos

    Quote Originally Posted by victors View Post
    I have significant Teknic experience so if you are looking for information I can help. These drives and motors are very good and it really comes down to using them correctly to get the best performance. Post your questions. If you would like to get some drives to try I might be able to tell you where to get them too.
    I have some acx versions that were sitting on my shelf for years. I made up some cables usings the prescribed belden cables and have the quickset ver 4 communicating with the drive. I have a Kollmorgen H344 with a US digital E 250 ppr encoder which is 1000 Cpr in quadrature. In the software using position I get erratic response. Sometimes with the Kv at 10000 and Kp at 5000 it runs. If I change the settings then I might not get better results. Then switching back to KV 10000 and Kp 5000 I DON'T GET the same results as before then it gives me a tracking error and faults. After resetting the drive I still get erratic results.Any suggestions.

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