Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
As Al has said you can use the relay output, for a Fault connected to your Estop circuit, S6 / DCM Multi-function input can also be used F2.06=8 For External Fault Input
Hello Mactec and Al_the_man,
I’ve been following both of you guys and you seem to be the only ones familiar with the Fuling 300 series VFD as well as very knowledgeable with CNC circuitry. I have quietly learned a lot from both of you and I thank you for your help to all of us mere mortals

I have a Chinese ATC with a Fuling 300 Series. I will try to attach the documentation that came with it.
I am trying to achieve the following:

  • I would like the fan for the spindle to come on when the spindle comes on. How can I achieve this? I am not an electrical engineer but I think with a relay connected to one of the VFD outputs this could be achieved. I guess hit can be a 24VDC or 12VDC relay, interrupting the S1 or S2 input?
  • I need to connect two PNP sensors. The Chinese manual says one is for “hanging knife” and the other one is for “unloading knife”. I guess hanging knife means tool is loaded and unloaded knife is tool is unloaded? I know that I need to provide 24VDC to the PNP sensor. Where will I cconnect the third wire from the sensor? To the input or output of the VFD?
  • I need to connect the release green button on the side of the spindle that activates the pneumatic valve to unload the tool manually, but this needs to happen when the spindle is not running (for obvious reasons). I’m thinking perhaps some sort of relay circuit that interrupts that button when the spindle is running? Perhaps again interrupting S1 or S2? Sidenote, I am able to control the spindle operation through the VFD using Mach3. I can start and stop the spindle and send S commands (thanks to your instructions in other forum threads!!) but it takes the spindle up to 38 seconds to stop therefore this operation would have to wait minimum of 38 seconds before unloading the tool I suppose? I think I can connect a breaking resistor however I’m waiting for it to come in the mail before I can attempt that. You will definitely hear from me when I’m ready to do that task.
  • I need to connect the temperature sensor in the spindle to the VFD so that when it reaches a critical temperature the VFD stops.

If any of you guys can help me with this I will be eternally thankful to you.
José Ricardo.