For that kind of money, I'd also consider the Prototrak- especially if the 101" x 78" x101" of the haas footprint is too large.

The Prototrak's footprint is 52"x30" and for $32k has a 6k spindle and ATC. For $39 has a 10k spindle and an ATC.


Every time I go back and forth about which machines to get in the Tormach vs Syil debate, as soon as I step up to the 1100 vs X7, the VMC2 seems like a no-brainer- especially when you consider the RMX control systems' simple conversational programming (still gcode compatible, but VERY EASY to do ad-hoc changes).

I've played with the RMX control system on full-sized Prototraks, and it's pretty dang amazing.