Quote Originally Posted by peteeng View Post
Hi Will and others - many slow moving machines drive two motors from one driver BUT they will have mid speed instability. I have tried this a few ways and it really does not work if you want to use the full speed range of the steppers. Separate drivers are the go... you need a 5 axis BOB and 5 drivers a 5 axis BOB is about $16USD and drivers for these can be as low as <$20 usd each.... not a big deal... Peter



But for those clever people out there can you run two drives from one BOB axis? I haven't tried that.... you may need to put more bearings on the rails. Usually two per rail. As you have them they could bind or stutter when the gantry torques as the moment is being resisted at a point vs over a spacing (called a crank) if they were bushes it would be called stick slip behavior and definitely would jam...
$150 sounds like a good deal, could you post a link please?