Thanks chaps. Some debate here which is the best way to go. I have been using solidworks to draw the work, fusion 360 or vcurve pro to provide the gcode and Mach3 to run the machine. I have no idea of the tormach software and too be honest I don’t have the time to teach myself another program. So apart from the uc100 which to be honest I am not to sure about it working ok, my luck with adding on odd bits is not that great. I don’t see how adding a board to my pc would help, yes it would take away the old printer cable, but how does this connect to the milling machine. And would I then need to purchase pathpilot which is very expensive, I paid £200 for vcurve pro years back, tormach want over 600 dollars, that’s some mark up. So how reliable is the uc100 ? Here in the uk it costs £89 from a real company not a Chinese company pretending to be in the uk, it’s more then likely made in China anyway, most other things are these days. And what’s the difference between sprucecam and pathpilot anyway. Thanks, michael