Quote Originally Posted by jwatte View Post
If you don't trust cloud backups, there's always big local drives.
While spinning disks used to be cheaper, SSDs have come down so much in price, and don't wear out by spinning, I've moved all my storage over.
$360 for 4 TB of quality SSD storage? Don't mind if I do :-) https://amzn.to/3BXMqED
(Yes, if bulk storage is the ONLY thing you're doing, and you're not worried about earthquakes while the spindle is running, you can save another hundred or two by sticking with the spinny rust, but ... waiting for backups/storage has a cost too!)
Yes a SSD does not wear out because of spinning but it has a short life in comparison it only has write / rewrite a few times and then it is done, there average life is between 2 years to 5years depending on the use some are said to be able to last up to 10 years that has not happened yet so I would not count on it