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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    Does anyone use the shop floor automations usb connect pendant https://www.shopfloorautomations.com...t-usb-connect/ for DNC

    i have a 1997 vmc 800 with dx32 control. I installed a cheap floppy emulator and DNC from that. it works perfectly but, i need to go larger than 1.44. i wish i could f10 and just select a larger drive to DNC from.

    the tech at shop floor automations told me they have a few customers using them on dx32 but only as file transfer and that he didn't know of anyone drip feeding from it. he said something about not knowing if xonxoff works the same for dx32.

    i have seen the post on using zip drives but i am not dos literate and would be willing to pay for some step by step email instructions or in person if your near northern ca on how to achieve a reliable DNC setup

    thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    ...maybe try using DNC4U its alot cheaper and has a download for a 60 day free trial.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Re: VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    thank you for the reply.
    I'm hoping to not place a computer at the machine. id like to be able to stick the usb in at the control. so I'm hoping something like calmotion or shop floor automation is working on someone else's dx32 for DNC. before i buy one just to try it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    First of all make sure your control supports DNC via RS232. If it is, you have many options then:
    1. Cheap ( old ) computer next to the machine.
    2. TCPIP gateway. Your DNC accessible in the local network
    3. TCPIP gateway + WiFi router. Your DNC accessible in the local network via WiFi
    and, of course
    4. USB gateway. Such as "USB Connect Pendant". If you see some advantages of it, let me know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Re: VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    thanks your first sentence is my main question. does anyone with my dx32 control DNC via the rs232 with xonxoff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    I know this is not the technique you asked about, but I use 7Zip to compress and split the large G-Code file into 1MB pieces and transfer them to the DX32 harddrive. The old MS-DOS program PKUnzip 2.04G can reassemble the pieces and uncompress back to G-Code on the DX-32 harddrive. No need to drip from a secondary device

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Algirdas View Post
    First of all make sure your control supports DNC via RS232.
    ...this may or may not be possible...cnc's of this vintage called it Buffered Input sometimes like Dynapath did because there is hardware/software needed to use RS232 as a DNC port and was most of the time an Optional add on.

    Does the CNC Mode select have a Run from RS232C port setting like Run from Floppy does?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Re: VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    ya the manual is very vague on the dnc topic.
    VMC Operator's manual mentions it only 3 times.
    page 1-1 "DNC data transfer between the pc based front end and the cnc machine controller which allows programs of unlimited length to be executed from disk"
    page 2-3 startup menu "4 LOAD Remote this provides a communication link to remote devices."
    page 5-2 RUN menu " F10 set DNC this command allows the machine to run part prograns that are larger than 256 thousand characters.

    but... as i type all that i found it hidden in Common error messages page d-11 ERR: Failed to open. it states the operator receives this message while attempting to load a part program from a remote terminal (EZLINK) or from a remote terminal (XON/OFF)

    so the tech from shop floor said he was unsure if dx32 would only dnc from EZLINK and that it needed xon/off to use the pendant. so i think ill order one up and give it a try.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    ...that EZLINK was a Bridgeport program(s) from what I remember....found this old thread discussing DNC that has more information that may help or cause more confusion.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Re: VMC 800 DX32 DNC suggestions

    thanks ill read up on it when i get a min. the way the tech at shop floor talked if it will only dnc from ezlink ill need a computer out at the machine and no pendant. but if it will xon/off the pendent will stand alone at the machine and i can just plug the usb in to the pendant and go. this is the route im hoping for. after the parts get done running today i will try a few things.

    thanks for all the reply's and i will be sure to post what happens when the pendant shows up.

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