Quote Originally Posted by Algirdas View Post
I want to try to explain it in a little bit more simple way.
Calling the tool you need to indicate:
1. Tool number in the turret. Can't be ommited.
2. Tool offset number. You can assign tool offset number "02" to the tool number "01". This is not practical however. Tool number 1 can be used together with tool offset number 1 and 11 and 21 and 31 - up to you. Tool offset number can be omitted, then the "zero" tool offset will be used.
3. Tool nose radius compensation number. The same story as tool offset number. Can be omitted.

What I would like to emphasize. Take a look into the manual. There is very good illustration showing where is what. Like in the lines:
where the tool number is and where the tool offset number is. It's possible that these two lines are calling different tools.
Thanks.. I find it strange tho that i cannot punch in T0101 and have it change it has to have the third P number for some reason.

And really thanks to Deadlykitten, complicated but gave me some food for though.