It could work out expensive.Fixturing for both sides means an amount of work before the first useful part goes near the machine plus the tapered surface is a fairly demanding starting point.Then you have a 3mm radius on all corners plus the stipulation to break all corners 0.3mmX45 deg.Its actually the sort of job that wouldn't be hugely difficult to create most parts of with an old fashioned overhead router and a pin guide,followed by a hand router on a jig to create the angled surface.Having a CNC to make the jigs would be quite useful.
As an aside,the two side views reduce the clarity of the information,one ought to be flipped laterally to convey that the side faces have differing pockets at different depths.I also don't see any information about the bevel to be applied to the sloping face,is it a constant angle or is there a twist?Given the need for 25 pairs and the possibility of knots,sapwood,other blemishes and chipping out I would make an extra 3 to 5 of each hand but I'm not interested in the job.I suspect that anybody who is will price the parts quite highly because of the factors I referred to.