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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Okuma > How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?
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  1. #1

    How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    Hi there, we recently got a used Okuma lathe (captain L370) and it has the OSP-E100L controller. It has the floppy drive replaced with a USB emulator. I have successfully moved files from computer to the machine, but for some reason I have not been able to get files off of the machine onto the USB drive for backup or offline editing.
    The USB emulator has two little buttons on it, "IN" and "OUT". And a digit display.
    I'm trying to figure out if the USB emulator is faulty or what exact steps I need to follow to be able to copy files from the lathe to the USB. Can someone tell me exactly what to do, how long to wait,... or how I can verify the OSP is actually "seeing" the USB drive? Any help greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    On the EDIT page did you press extend a few times until you get to MS-DOS, then extend a couple more time until PROGRAM INPUT and PROGRAM OUTPUT are displayed?

    Can you share with us which Floppy Emulator you are using? Name or picture might help. I know there are a few types out there and work just a bit differently from each other.

    Dave in Ohio

  3. #3

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    I have a Gotek USB emulator. See picture attached. (If I'll know how to do it.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    The gotek seems to be the most common one out there so a lot of people can offer help. Check this video out he seems to do a good job explaining how the gotek works.

    The buttons labeled in and out don't quite make sense to me unless some custom firmware has been installed. I understand that the right hand button is the 1s digit and the left hand button is the 10s digit. I also understand that with the USB stick inserted and pressing and holding both buttons in on power up that it will format the drive.

    I do have a gotek in my ES-L6 lathe but until my servo drive is repaired and I can boot the machine I can't really get hands on experience.

    Perhaps Kurmay will see this and jump in to help, I know he has some experience with them.

    Dave in Ohio

  5. #5

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    Ok in that video he is booting a computer from the "floppy" drive. Should I be inserting this USB drive into the CNC machine before starting up the machine? Do I need to be booting into the floppy drive on the CNC machine?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    No you don't boot from a floppy on the CNC. You are only using it to store programs and possibly to backup parameters.

    Dave in Ohio

  7. #7

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    Quote Originally Posted by countryguy828 View Post
    No you don't boot from a floppy on the CNC. You are only using it to store programs and possibly to backup parameters.

    Dave in Ohio
    Ok, that's what I thought. Can you then explain your first comment about MS-DOS and extending several times? I got lost on that one. Where do I see that on the CNC controller?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    You can transfer part program files, schedule files nad parameter files via serial interface ( RS232 ) as well.
    Did you got the manuals belonging to the machine?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    You treat the emulator as a floppy drive. On the EDIT screen you will copy the file to the device FD0: There is software on the web to format a flash drive to be divided into a lot of floppies. That is what the buttons are for on the emulator do, change to different floppies.

  10. #10
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    Mar 2018

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    Quote Originally Posted by Schtritzpog View Post
    Ok, that's what I thought. Can you then explain your first comment about MS-DOS and extending several times? I got lost on that one. Where do I see that on the CNC controller?
    I am not sure. Apparently the E series controls are enough different from the U/7000/5000 series controls that I have access to that I don't know what changed in the newer models.

    Dave in Ohio

  11. #11
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    Apr 2006

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    The E series control with the exception of the European models can read a flash drive in MS-DOS format and OSP format without problems. We have a Slovic machine with an E10M that still shows MS-DOS in the EDIT screen whereas the E100 ones do not.
    I have installed emulators on all of the ones that had floppies. The E10 is the only one that gave me a problem.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    Floppy usb emulator for read is easy but for write is difficult. So I think that, the problem is in usb emulator.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    You can use two type floppy format, OSP or MS-DOS.
    Which method are you using?
    And check jumper setting of USB emulator on cnc, maybe it wrong.
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

  14. #14

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    Good afternoon - we got extremely busy and I was pulled away for a while doing other stuff. But I got it figured out now.
    1. Our Okuma machine with OSP-E100L controller does not require the USB to be formatted as a floppy disk.
    2. I can plug in the USB and on the OSP controller show split screen and it will show all the files on the USB. I can copy files onto internal machine memory like expected - very straight forward. My problem was that then I would use the same screen to copy the files over from internal to USB it wouldn't actually write to USB.
    Here's the instructions I got that worked.

    1. Insert the USB
    2. Press “OUT” once; display should read “D1”
    3. Copy the files from the machine to the USB on the OSP controller
    a. This copy operation only puts the files into the ‘write buffer’ and is not actually writing to USB yet.
    4. Press “OUT” one time; display will show “D2” while it’s writing the files to the USB (This step writes from buffer to USB)
    a. Wait until the display goes back to the original “00”. Files should now be saved on the USB to transfer to PC.

    Hopefully this will help someone. Thank you to all those who tried to help - I think I might not have been clear in my question initially what I needed.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: How do I backup programs to USB on OSP-E100L controller?

    Glad you got the device to work. It is so much easier to use a flash drive than a floppy.

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