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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Dynomotion/Kflop/Kanalog > Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Hi everyone.
    I'm trying to get my CNC up and running using KFLOP/KANALOG but I'm Super lost on how to get anything moving.
    I've built a couple of machines before using MACH3 so the whole 'ports and pins' routine is fairly simple for me by now. However I have no clue on how to wire or configure KFLOP/KANALOG (KMOTION).
    I've read everything I can find on the subject but it just seems to confuse me even more. I don't think I understand the whole concept of using 'channels' instead of just designating pin numbers (I'm definitely missing something!).

    I've made a small test setup with the purpose of getting one single stepper (axis) running to hopefully help me understand how the configuration works before I start rewiring my entire machine.

    I've wired Step/Dir to Kanalog JP1 A0+/- and B0+/- and ENBL to JP1 A1+/- (I hope it can be seen from the attached pictures).

    I understand that a 'init.c' program is needed but I don't understand how I define the "pin numbers" - I have no C programming experience.

    I really appreciate if you could help me get the motor running and help me understand how the wiring/configuration and init.c process/workflow works.

    Best Regards from Denmark

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Hi teglberg,

    No that is pretty much all wrong. Kanalog doesn't have any Step/Dir Outputs. Those are encoder inputs. Normally Kanalog is not needed with Step/Dir Drives. Do you have a purpose for it? Maybe differential encoders? Or need analog signals? Please do not apply power until you fully understand things.

    Many find the channels concept confusing. You might read this.

    Step/Dir outputs are on KFLOP. See here.

    You don't need any C Programming to test Step/Direction motion.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Thank you very much Tom. That already explains why I've been having so much trouble finding info on the subject.
    I can see that I've misunderstood some things. I thought that JP1 on the KANALOG was basically just re-routing to JP7 on the KFLOP and therefore I could connect the step/dir to there. I can see that I'm wrong. Thanks for clearing that up for me .

    The reason that I'm using kanalog is because I later on in the project would like to change to a closed loop system with encoders or magnetic scales. The reason why I'm moving from a "classic" open loop/ mach3 system in the first place is because I needed more I/O's to facilitate probes/ ATC's etc.

    Thank you so much for the shared links. I really think that explained a lot!

    I will rewire my setup so that step/dir will go to JP4 on the Kflop instead.
    I will then add the multiplexing bit

    "FPGA(STEP_PULSE_LENGTH_ADD)=32+0x40;// set the pulse time to ~ 2?s and multiplex to JP4 and JP6"

    Is that understood correctly?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Quote Originally Posted by TomKerekes View Post
    You don't need any C Programming to test Step/Direction motion.

    I've wired my step/dir to JP4 Pin13+14 on the Kflop.
    What do I need to do from here to get the motor running?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    I think those Drives (DQ542MA) need to be driven in 5V Open Collector mode where the + pins are connected to 5V and the open collector Step/Dir outputs pull the - pin to GND. As described in the previous link JP4 pins 13 and 14 can not be used in open collector mode because they have 150 ohm pull down resistors. You could use pins 15 and 16 in open collector mode or possibly JP5 see FAQs here.

    It would help to know what type of system this is. How many axes and encoders will you eventually have?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    The stepper moves fine when step/dir is connected to JP7 in a 'normal setup' I don't get how the multiplexing is working. How do I explain the KFLOP to us JP4/6 instead of JP5/7 so I can connnect the Kanalog?

    My machine is a standard 3-axis setup with 3 (max 4) Nema 23 stepper motors and I expect the same amount of encoders in the future. I expect to be using DQ542MA drivers or similar to run the steppers.

    I really appreciate you're talking the time to guide me through this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Hi teglberg,

    The multiplex bit is changed by executing that line of C code.

    But I think you would be better off not multiplexing and using KFLOP JP5 as described the the FAQ link I provided.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Hi Tom

    I think you're experienced on Dynamotion motion control

    I have big plasma dc servo motors technos control

    The control is not working
    I want to make the control

    Using kflop/kanalog

    Who can give me some idea

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    I get kflop and kanalog ver 1

    Servo driver's cd180
    Z axis is driven by small dc servo driver microspeed 6o

    This small servo have no encoder
    They use proximity

    If some one have such experience

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Hi Andualem,

    You would need to supply a lot more specific information and ask specific questions.

    It would be better to start your own Thread rather than hijacking someone else's.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Hi Tom

    I had some experience on cnc ( operation maintenance commissioning and cad cam ) graduate electrical electronics technology
    but new for retrofitting with new controller
    I started working and make good progress
    I install window xp it is better
    Kmotion work well

    The dc servo driver have inputs from the incoder
    Kanalog also needs incoder connection
    Is that possible to connect both ( it will be double loop )

    As I see inti.c program channels bit is not specified
    When I tune the motor how it select the motor

    Example tune chanel 0 I have to load chanel 0 program in configuration. The chanel have to define by bit to connect the right motor

    And on Kanalog which pin is PWM output ( can I use General io jp 11 & 6 )

    I'm not interested on hijacking someone else's

    It's Learning for me, please consider it as support
    I'm leaving in a country no experience on such a thing

    Sory for my writing skill

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    The dc servo driver have inputs from the incoder
    Kanalog also needs incoder connection
    Is that possible to connect both ( it will be double loop )
    Please post specifications and the manual for your drives

    As I see inti.c program channels bit is not specified
    When I tune the motor how it select the motor
    I don't understand the question. You might read this.

    And on Kanalog which pin is PWM output ( can I use General io jp 11 & 6 )
    Kanalog doesn't have any PWM Outputs. Did you mean Analog DACs?

    I'm not interested on hijacking someone else's
    So you should start your own thread. Please don't use someone else's.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Axor cd 180 dc servo driver

    Last time I try to check the driver's by POT
    Not moving that means it is PWM ?

    The question about chanel is
    Where can I define chanels by bit
    Ex I define limit switch bit 136 in inti.c program that is kanalog J15 pin 1 & 2

    Yes DACs connection on Kanalog ?

    Yes I printed above 400 pages to read
    I'm trying to make new thread

    It's big plasma machine

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    [QUOTE=TomKerekes;2507198]Please post specifications and the manual for your drives

    AXOR CD180

    Kanalog doesn't have any PWM Outputs. Did you mean Analog DACs?

    Yes how ca i define channels by bit in which c program and where can i connect on the kanalog

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Please post specifications and the relevant parts of the manual for your drives. Not just the part number.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Hi Tom

    Axor cd180 model Dc servo driver
    I can't attach the pdf b/s of its size
    It is not that much big file
    Size is 1mb

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Hi Tom

    I try to attach

    Thanks Tom for your support
    Please keep it

    I have no one here
    It is Ethiopia not industrial country

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Hi Andualem,

    That Drive seems to accept an analog voltage not a PWM. +RIF and -RIF is where the voltage is applied. I'd recommend testing with a Potentiometer before connecting to KFLOP/Kanalog. You said you tried this but you must have done something wrong. Maybe you didn't enable the Drive?

    You said the Drive has inputs connected to the Encoder. The Drive does not have Encoder inputs. So that statement must be wrong. Did you mean a Tachometer? Do you have an Encoder on the motor? Do you understand the difference between an analog Tachometer and a Digital encoder?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Re: Setting up first axis step/dir on KFLOP/KANALOG - No 'C'-experience

    Hi Tom

    Driver was enabled green led ON when I tried by Pot

    On the driver +DT & -DT encoder was connected originally
    I can send the pictures

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Omron E6B2-cwzix
    Rotary encoder ( incremental)
    Resolution 1000 p/r

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