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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    Does anyone have anything they want to add to the "I wish I had " list ??

    Ya won't every get it if you never ask for it. The worst they can say is NOPE.

    (;-) TP

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    I would like to see PP highlight the new file that I send from the cad/cam computer, one is highlighted but not the new one.
    mike sr

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    You can sort the new list by date. The newest file will either be at the top of the file list or bottom depends on how you set it to sort.

    (;-) TP

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    Asked many times but, a DXF import for the lathe

    In conversational, a taper option for OD turning and maybe ID turning

    I always work in inches so, access to metric thread without using G21 would be great

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    Milling a radius not just a circle or boss with 4 radii. Starting a slot (keyway) from outside instead of middle.
    I have requested these but they seem to be all in for new machines.

    With most people using cam, probably limited demand.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    I don;t really believe that MOST people use cam (;-) if given a choice. Conversational works well for a lot of things. You just have to be a bit clever.

    Would you guys consider using a conversational Wizard where PP does not have the function you need like the taper shaft. That is what Wizards are best at. Giving you something that PP does not provide.

    (;-) TP

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    If you're in the shop and need something quick, conversation can often be the best way and its very nice to have. And I would welcome more development!
    Un like years ago with no conversation the machines were boat anchors without cad-cam!

    As for a feature I would like a wizard that will point map z axis on a large work surface area like a router has. Then use it on a program to increase the overall z axis accuracy easy enough right!

    That said, I use cam 99% of the time. Maybe because I started before there were useful wizards in pp or mach. I do use conversation now and then for stock prep. I find them handy for simple surface ops.
    The rest of what I mostly do is too complex for wizards and would require too much stitching of code and in short too much time to get good code. I have cam templates for mill, router and lathe that make generating good code for multi sided, multi offset, multi tool, multi fixture and multi model programs often just a few clicks away. I also can load a similar project, delete model out and load new model into. Then again have good usable code often in just a few clicks. Conversation, I guess could do this but would take a lot more development just to get to a basic level of what i can pull off with a cad and cam. And way more clever use than I can get out of it.
    The ease of what I do does come at a price! Decent cad and cam $oftware is not cheap. I can draw models with just about any decent cad software and mostly find a very short learning curve. I find cam software to be difficult to master period! The cam software I use requires regular use to be proficient, anything less and you struggle to get confident results. I have mentioned this before that I find cam software to be a perishable skill and it requires regular use to get good results. Of course, I am dealing with different cnc machines, and they each often require much different setups so this a factor to consider also. 4th axis work is also a pain at times.

    Conversation would also require regular use to be proficient. I find the ops to be kind of confusing at first to setup. What I do see in conversation programs is often very efficient code that is somewhat optimized for the machine. Cam software often requires use of "long hand" and can be sketchy to use any canned cycles because the posts are many times generic versions of other working posts made for other machines and controls. Good example would be canned cycle for a tapered thread in lathe conversation is for the most part one line long. I cant even get cam software to do it, canned or long hand because post won't generate the correct code. This is one example of where i use cam and then delete out taper thread code and insert conversation code to get results

    Just habits and workflows and everyone does things differently.
    I was told not long ago, what I do and how I setup programs would never fly in a job shop.
    Not clear why but i could adapt either way

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    I would like to see G37 XYZ positions exposed as read/write parameters. Currently, when using a ETS, G37 position has to be set to provide clearance for the longest tool you plan to use. As I often have jobber length drills in a drill chuck, that means my Z is quite high. All well and good but when I'm checking length on a small end mill and/or one that is chucked up really short, there's a lot of wasted time waiting for the spindle to inch its way down. I would be much more inclined to use in process tool length checking (broken tool detection for instance) if it didn't add so much time to a program. Exposing the coordinates as a parameter would allow me to write the program such that prior to a tool length check, the current tool length could be used plus some offset, to set a Z height much closer to the ETS on a per tool basis. By the way, I did submit this request to Tormach a while ago. I know it's not a major priority for them but I keep my fingers crossed with every update.

    I would also like to see them add an ability to check tool diameter, given an appropriate device like the drewtronic TS1000

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    PP can already do tapered threading in lathe conversational . Proficient ?? The Wizards I make are self explanitory You simply fill in the needed values and press a button AND they are mousefree events You move up and down through the inputs with {TAB} and {SHIFT_TAB} . Tab goes down and shift_tab goes up.

    In the OLD OLD days you hand programmed simple things , then it moved to SUB programming , then came parametric programming with variables . The parametric programming allow you to build a FAMILY of similar parts and adjust the parameters to change the size of the parts. For example router and making cabinet doors. Changes to the parameters change the size of the door . Then came conversational where you simply answers preset questions . Then Wizards which run in the Machine itself and allow conversational on demand. Wizards are handy because you can add a NEW Wizard by dropping a new Wizard file into a folder on the machine and away you go. The Manf dos NOT have to reprogram the Controller software to add the same functions as the Wizard provided.

    You just have to remember there are always MANY different ways to program the same part. It depends on what the user perceives as usefull. What is extremely usefull for ME you may hate to use. Vise versa. I have worked with shops that have totally different ideas as to HOW to produce parts. Neither are right or wrong just different.

    Just a thought (;-) TP

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    Probing a router bed and adjust Z is already doable. There are 2 version of table Z probing in LinuxCNC a bed of nails approach and the other is a creepy crawler type. Then you take the point file and USE it with Gcode- Ripper to adjust your Gcode file Z axis to match the table offsets .

    You will find there is not a lot of NEW functions with DIY CNC . There is just a lot of things that have been forgotten and people think that it never existed. The old saying about IF you fail to learn from history you are DOOMED to repeat it holds very true with DIY CNC. I smile alot on todays DIYCNC forums when people ask about things that were created years ago but the latest generation of users have never heard about them existing. It is like recreating the wheel every 10 years or so.

    (;-) TP

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    I would also like to have the option to post or not all the comments in the program. Would make it easier to read the program.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    I recently bought Alibre/meshcam. Still not proficient at it but at least I can use it in my shop. No WiFi out there.

    I was using Fusion and liked it but a pain when I didn't get it right and had to go back in the house. Off line mode didn't work. Then when they crippled it for hobby use, I had to change. I don't blame them because I was basically using a beta version for a few years for free. But new subscription is a bit steep for the amount I used it.

    I managed to hand code radii and then just reset the zero after every pass, but still slow coding for me and a slower process starting the program. I recently caught using relative mode to move the axis center after every pass but haven't tried it. Now I just have to find it and write it down.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    [QUOTE=vmax549;2496498, then came parametric programming with variables . The parametric programming allow you to build a FAMILY of similar parts and adjust the parameters to change the size of the parts. For example router and making cabinet doors. Changes to the parameters change the size of the door .

    Just a thought (;-) TP[/QUOTE]

    I do parametric in cad then send to cam. Change just one value and you go from this.
    Attachment 476380

    To this in seconds
    Attachment 476382

    And then this with very little time spent
    Attachment 476384
    This is a simple project that uses the mill, router and lathe.
    I end up with
    1 g-code file for each mill part or 3 total
    1 g-code file for each router part or 3 total
    1 g-code file for each lathe part or 1 total

    I also combine the above g code files with screen clips of how large of stock to use and where the offsets need to be set.
    1 screen clip for each side of mill parts or 6 total
    1 screen clip for each router part or 3 total
    1 screen clip for lathe part 1 total
    total of 17 files of setup pictures and g-code

    I send all these file sets to each machine. They can be used to make the parts today, next week or next year!
    No broken tools, no drama, no mistakes and wysiwyg what you see is what you get first time!
    Total drawing time about an hour. total cam time about the same in this case maybe a little longer. this would include all the screen clips and file management
    When you get the work flow down its almost to easy. I dont see how conversation setups or wizards as i see them on PP would or could ever do this!
    I have seen some that visually allow this kind of workflow but this is a long way away for PP

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    Sure would be nice to have a Stop Jog Resume function in PP so one could stop and check the tooling or what ever and then easily resume. OR at least a RFH dro and a screen button to start RFH

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    A go to g37 button would be handy on the main screen for router.
    But I hate to clutter screen up much. But it would help to quickly move the gantry out of the way and back to the tool set position.

    On router when spindle returns from setting tool height it ramps down in z on the way back to work area x,y. Super dangerous behavior in some cases.
    It should return to x,y work position with z at full height. I have to control this in cam to avoid crashes.
    It seems like at one time they had changed this behavior for the router. But recently I started seeing it happen again if I dont control it in cam.

    Lathe also behaves inconsistent at times when returning to tool change position. This could be a setting checkbox that for some reason gets changed. Not clear how it happens. I dont think its me. Lol

    Lathe could use a checkbox to disable the spindle motor stop if doors are open. I have to put a metal washer by Hal censor to run spindle with doors open.
    Not optimal if your trouble shooting a problem or sweeping in stock on a 4jaw chuck.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    On the lathe have you tried adjusting the Max spindle speed with door open setting ?? you could do a sub to move back to tool change location and call it from MDI. Lift Z to G53 Z0.000 then back to XY position of G37.

    Yes I hate to see the screenset cluttered up, maybe a hotkey ??? IF ONLY Tormach would let you create hotkeys (;-).

    Just a thought, (;-) TP

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    No update since September last year so, maybe they are not interested anymore to listen to the owners of older machine.

    I know many peoples who asked for improvements of Pathpilot never received an answer!!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    A functioning M00 Program Stop would be at the top of my list.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    Quote Originally Posted by vmax549 View Post
    On the lathe have you tried adjusting the Max spindle speed with door open setting ?? you could do a sub to move back to tool change location and call it from MDI. Lift Z to G53 Z0.000 then back to XY position of G37.

    Yes I hate to see the screenset cluttered up, maybe a hotkey ??? IF ONLY Tormach would let you create hotkeys (;-).

    Just a thought, (;-) TP
    Where is the setting for max speed with door open for lathe at?
    Not clear what your saying on second answer with a midi command? Probe setup screen has a button that i use now to move router spindle back and away. I just have to select that tab and press button and it runs home. A person here said they could show me how to add a button for this but I didnt want to stray from standard pp.
    A hotkey might work if its safe to have and use.

    Quote Originally Posted by derek View Post
    A functioning M00 Program Stop would be at the top of my list.
    It seems I have run into this also with the 8l lathe. Not clear what is going on. I do know if I leave 8l lathe just setting for a long period of time in a state that a program has not ended. The lathe will not function and require the machine to be shut down completely for a period of time before it will work again. "like something overheats" I tried to explain this to Tormach and they did not understand what I was talking about.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Tormach PathPilot WISH LIST (;-)

    The setting you want is in the Admin function. Go to the MDI and type in admin and a list will pop up go down the list untill you see that command. Click on that line and it will transfer up to the MDI line then add a space and the RPM you want to use with the door open then press enter.

    YEP hard to believe that PP does not have a proper M00 M01. In PP it is just a feedhold and we already have one of those. M00 is extremely usefulll IF it worked correctly.

    By chance on your 8L is the cooling fan working in the PC ?? Sounds like the PC is overheating and shutting down.

    (;-) TP

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