Your enthusiasm concerning Candle is truly a sight to behold; one cannot help but marvel in awe at its shining flame.

Quote Originally Posted by jlawton View Post
Do you even KNOW anyone with 64 bit Linux who got this working?

Have you considered attempting to find out if there are any guides for your particular situation...? Maybe something like this...?

Second hit has a step-by step guide:

    sudo apt-get install git g++ qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools libqt5serialport5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev
    git clone
    cd Candle
    git checkout grbl_1_1
    cd src
That's eight commands, including downloading the source and starting the binary. It took me all of, oh, five minutes tops to follow that on Mint 20 and the result is apparently running just fine. I have no GRBL 1.1 hardware at hand to actually test it with, but to be honest my motivation is somewhat lacking too, can't possibly fathom why that might be.

Toodles & best of luck.