Quote Originally Posted by Blazini36 View Post
Well it hasn't ever really needed an ISO. It's not that hard to compile from source. Problem has usually been finding a realtime patched kernel but that's never been a problem with Arch, only Debian. Last I tried Debian I think RT kernels were available in the main repo, but Debian has never been my favorite distro.
Yes, Debian 11 (Bullseye), the current stable Debian version has the PREEMPT_RT real time kernel available in the repos. But you do need to compile Linuxcnc from source.
As said its not that hard, just follow this recipe:
Debian 12 (Bookworm) the current testing Debian version also includes Linuxcnc in the repos. Installing this also installs the PREEMPT_RT real time kernel as its a dependency. But this verison is just a snapshot a couple of months old. If you want the latest version of linuxcnc, you still have to compile from source but the dependency list is much reduced.
I show you how in this video

So in summary, install bookworm from an iso (preferably a non-free version to include all the 3rd party drivers).
I find Rufus is the most reliable tool to burn to a USB. Then just type:
sudo apt install linuxcnc linuxcnc-dev mesaflash
My recommendation would be to stick with Debian as that is th eofficial build and other distros (like Mint I used to use) often are not up to date with the Linux kernels and required version of Python 3.