Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
If your 24v DC is powering the Brain of the machine you don't cut power to that, High voltage AC and 24vDC switching on the same contactor is not a good idea, some contactors have Auxiliary Contacts on the side that could be used for switching the 24v DC

I'll get anther small unit for the DC then. Hasn't got an aux on my current one.
Keeping the brains powered is the idea.

The control stop circuit is basically the line that runs to the board input that tells it the MC is stopped (I10 being the norm if using pport board).

So now I've got:
Magnetic #1: A1/A2 EStop = 220vac
T1 Spindle Servo main power = 220vac +
T2 Stepper 60v x,y, psu) = 220vac +
T3 Stepper 80v z, psu = 220vac +

Magnetic #2: A1/A2 EStop = 220vac
T1 control stop circuit = low 24vdc (I10 reset fault)
T2 Aux
T3 Aux

I'm sure I'll find something to go on the aux.

All UC300eth/UCBB/auxiliary opto plc boards (brains) are still on, powered by separate 24v/5v supplies.