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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Stepper Motors / Drives > 5 phase 10 wire stepper with 5 Wire Pentagon drivers
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2022

    Question 5 phase 10 wire stepper with 5 Wire Pentagon drivers

    Dear all,
    I'm happy to be here (this is my first topic):

    i have a stepper motor VRDM 564/50 LNB (10 wire 5 phase stepper motor), which i want to use with my new build of a cnc device.
    i bought a stepper driver (Cloudray 5DM422) which is only usable in pentagon configuration.
    i tried to use the pentagon configuration just by combining 2 wires of different phases togehter (cable numbers 0/1; 2/3; 4/5; 6/7; 8/9 - see the attached image of Berger Lahr 5 phase stepper motor)
    if i do so i and i do connect each cable pair to the pentagon stepper driver to the inputs A-E, i really get no movement and no torque...

    By trying different direction combinations (e.g. using cable numbers 1/9 instead of 1/0 to swap current direction through the coil) i get now a realitvely nice movement.
    In single step movement i checked if i'm loosing steps, this does not seem to happen, but the torque is varying (and probably to less) in single step movement (torque in stop state seems to be fine)... and there is another problem: if i connnect the last cable to the pentagon driver (pin 3 is not connected at the moment) nothing moves anymore...

    How can i double check if my directs of single connections are right? is there a fundamental problem while trying 10 wire 5 phase stepper to pentagon configuration?

    My idea for double checking was to measure the voltage of stepper driver outputs (A-E) for 10 single steps and then calculate the voltage difference i got for every motor coil to get a better idea of whats happening here... is this a good idea or is there a better solution for the problem?

    i just attached all the datasheets and stuff i found.

    Thanks a lot for any help
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails PentagonConf.jpg   Screenshot 2023-01-13 154152.jpg   Screenshot 2023-01-13 154214.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: 5 phase 10 wire stepper with 5 Wire Pentagon drivers

    You didn't attach any immage !!
    I would first check the motor. Check each coil for it's resistance and if it doesn't have a short to the metal of the motor.
    If that's all fine, be sure to have the right cable numbers so you know the order for the coils. 10 wires in the right order for the pentagon should work
    If there is no short, and al coils have about the same resistance, the only thing that could be wrong is the fase of one or more coils related to each other is wrong.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: 5 phase 10 wire stepper with 5 Wire Pentagon drivers

    I have a Vexta 5phase stepper with 10 wires, and like you was somewhat confused as to how I would hook them up.

    Finding a coil is no trouble. With a multimeter measure between one wire, lets say green, and then try the other wires in turn until you find a circuit which of course corresponds
    to the coil inside the motor. A few minutes will establish the five separate windings and the wires at each each end.

    The next question is how to phase them. What I did was hook a signal generator to one pair, lets say the green wire and it's matching blue wire. Then using an oscilloscope I measured the induced voltage
    of the remaining four windings, This allowed to to determine the phase of each coil relative to first one I chose.

    The last step is to decide the order in which the phased coils have to be hooked up. This was trial and error....and took about two hours before I found the combination that resulted in the highest
    torque and smoothest running by hooking each winding combination in turn to the driver.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: 5 phase 10 wire stepper with 5 Wire Pentagon drivers

    a little late, but i found this, even if it wont help you, it can help someone else who is searching.


    I cant upload it for whatever reason, but if you pm me i can email it to whomever needs it if this link stops working

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