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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Hf Interference

    Hi guys,
    May anyone help me with the matter below?
    I got a machine that show problem in moviment. Sometimes it jumps, crossing the machine then the parts cut got with dimension error.
    The machine is gantry with master and slave motor. It looks like that the slave run ahead the slave. I decreased the following error and I could see that the machine when crossing the error is showed at the CNC screen.
    I changed the signals cable, using today STP cables. I separeted the signals cable from torch cable.I avoided use conector between Driver / CNC and Driver/motor. I connected them directly.
    The signals cable gotta a 30m of length. I suppose that this cable is captionned the HF from plasma machine and causing some error in encoder counting. I would like to get suggestion to solve this problem and avoid the HF get in the driver the CNC.
    The machine is a gantry machine, with slave and master.
    The CNC is Edge II from Hypertherm Automation.
    The plasma is from Hypertherm as well, model HPR 260.

    Any question else, please tell me.

    Thanks for all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    You have a grounding issue. make sure the bridge of the machine and the table are both grounded to a ground rod driven at least 8 feet, 2.5meters into the ground.The best ground rod would be 3/4 inch 10 feet long and galvanized. Do not assume that the ground rod is making a good earth ground, it must be checked. Also, make sure the electrical grounds that the CNC plugs into are good. Make sure all the ground studs on all equipment are tight. Do not let the encoder cables and drive cables run near the plasma cable. Also make sure all ground cables are as short as possible and not coiled up anywhere.
    Many people do not know how to ground a plasma table, it really isnt complicated, the most common mistake is thinking the ground rod is making a good earth ground connection.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I worked at Thermadyne in Brazil and we used the linatrol devices to cutting tabe as Picopath and HL83 and 90.
    One question do you have a layout how the plasma table should be grounded?
    If so, please send me.
    Thanks !!!
    I will check the rod is being used .

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