Quote Originally Posted by ardenum2 View Post
that looks like that guys router that he pours concrete into a steel shell, langmuir. https://www.langmuirsystems.com/mr1/base

There's been concerns about vibration issues regarding the two sides, sitting on three supports, it might vibrate in between them, as the plate sitting on them is quite thin.
Yes you are right, i'm building my Machine to look similar to theirs and i will pour concretein the base also

The plate I'm planing to use is 30mm thick 100m width, What they are using is 25mm thick 80mm width and supported on 2 side
Mine since it's longer 1350mm I will support it on 3 side, and there is a plate on both side that will be inside the concrete that is bolted to the plate to give it extra support looks like this