you'll find plenty of posts both on this forum and others where newcomers (to servos at least) have bought cheap Chinese servos and very much struggled to set them up
and tune them in absence of manufacturer supplied software. Its not that its impossible, and if you have some experience already perfect doable....but if you don't
have that experience to draw on I would suggest the setup and tuning software is required. Your call.

I recognise that it costs extra.

I buy 750w Delta B2 servos for $438 USD plus shipping each. From the same supplier they sell a ToAuto brand, and a 750W servo kit costs $292USD. I still pay the extra, not really because of
quality concerns, although I do believe Delta better in that regard, but mainly because of setup software. I have on my PC now several setups that I have used on my machine and others.
When I program a new servo I just grab one of those saved setups and copy and paste, 30 seconds work to set up a new servo. Too easy. You'll not do that with the cheaper servos.

Its your money and your call.
