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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Can anyone explain G79?

    I searched alot about this and didnt find anything helpful, i know its a drilling code, but the meaning of "I","K","Q","j"?
    For Example:
    G79 Z.402 I.1 K.05 A.01 Q100 J200 F.001

  2. #2

    Re: Can anyone explain G79?

    Radial Cutting Cycle G94 (B set G Command G79)
    Command function: From start point, the cutting cycle of cylindrical surface or taper surface is
    completed by radial feeding(X) and axial (Z or X and Z) cutting.
    Command format(A set) : G94 X(U)
    _ Z(W) _ F_
    (face cutting)
    G94 X(U) _
    Z(W) _ R__F__: (taper face cutting)
    Command format(B set) : G79 X Z. _F;
    (face cutting)
    G79 X_Z_R_F_ _: (taper face cutting)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Re: Can anyone explain G79?

    Thanks alot but you are talking about something else!! The g97 that i asked about is for drilling, like g83... and what about the meaning of "i,k,a,j"??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Can anyone explain G79?

    I don't think G79 is in milling machines controllers.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Can anyone explain G79?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amensn91 View Post
    Thanks alot but you are talking about something else!! The g97 that i asked about is for drilling, like g83... and what about the meaning of "i,k,a,j"??
    A G79 depends on what machine control you are using here is a Siemens example, its not normally used for Drilling.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Re: Can anyone explain G79?

    Its a citizen cincom lathe l20, swiss tybe

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Can anyone explain G79?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amensn91 View Post
    Its a citizen cincom lathe l20, swiss tybe
    There is not a lot on citizen programing,

    This may help then. https://en.industryarena.com/forum/w...9--187600.html

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Can anyone explain G79?

    From what I found online:

    Siemens CNC Lathe | G79 – G94 Cycle | Facing
    Straight Facing Cycle

    With the commands of “G… X(U)… Z(W)… F… ;”, straight facing cycle of 1 to 4 as shown in Fig. 4-11 is executed.
    The cycle code can be change due to pre-selected G code system as below ( Selected by machine tool builder by parameter setting).
    G code system A = G94
    G code system B = G79
    G code system C = G24

    G83 Normal Peck Drilling Canned Cycle (Group 09)(Haas lathe)
    * C - C-Axis absolute motion command (optional)
    F - Feed Rate in inches (mm) per minute
    * I - Size of first cutting depth
    * J - Amount to reduce cutting depth each pass
    * K - Minimum depth of cut
    * L - Number of repeats
    * P - The dwell time at the bottom of the hole
    * Q - The cut-in value, always incremental
    * R - Position of the R plane
    * X - X-axis motion command
    * Y - Y-axis motion command
    Z - Position of bottom of hole
    * indicates optional

    May be a combination of above.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Can anyone explain G79?

    G79 is used as a peck drill cycle on all Nomura machines.
    Z = absolute depth of hole
    I = 1st peck amount in incremental from start position
    K = subsequent peck increments
    A = clearance to bottom of previous peck (A.01 means to rapid to .01 away from the previous peck depth to start next peck)
    Q = dwell at bottom of hole(Q100 = .1 second)
    J = dwell at start of hole to cool drill between pecks and to help clear chips (J200 = .2 seconds)
    F = feed in ipr

    Great cycle that can also be used for cross drilling - just substitute X for Z

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