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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C

    how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C????

    i have problem in my machine in tool change and i need to disable tool change from parameter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C

    any help plllllllllllz

  4. #4

    Re: how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C

    Well you could just never call an M6, but if you're trying to use existing programming that has M6's in it, either modify your Tool changer program. (potentially program 9001) and remove everything but M99 out of it. (Save a backup first.)

    That or look at your parameters 230 to 242 and assign M6 to any one of those that is not in use. Create the program and have the only thing in it be M99.

    The control will try there first before going after a real M6 tool change and cause the real M6 to be skipped over.

    Pretty sure this will work.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C

    Quote Originally Posted by the_gentlegiant View Post
    Well you could just never call an M6, but if you're trying to use existing programming that has M6's in it, either modify your Tool changer program. (potentially program 9001) and remove everything but M99 out of it. (Save a backup first.)

    That or look at your parameters 230 to 242 and assign M6 to any one of those that is not in use. Create the program and have the only thing in it be M99.

    The control will try there first before going after a real M6 tool change and cause the real M6 to be skipped over.

    Pretty sure this will work.
    you mean if i make 230 to 242 eual 6 of each parameter , this will disable all tool change function

    now my machine after homing msg appear " rotate tool drum first "

    so i need to fully disable the tool change function

  6. #6

    Re: how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C

    Quote Originally Posted by yurirevenge View Post
    you mean if i make 230 to 242 eual 6 of each parameter , this will disable all tool change function

    now my machine after homing msg appear " rotate tool drum first "

    so i need to fully disable the tool change function
    It will not disable it, only bypass it. You only need to make one of those parameters 6, not all. Then you need to create a program using the proper program number that you assigned 6 to, and save it on the control. It should look like this.

    Parameter 242 =6



    If 9003 is used by something else, pick a different parameter and program number.

    I added a couple G53's to give it some body and stop it from looking ahead. May not need the G53's.

    What would be the problem of rotating the carousel one time after homing? Why is it even asking for that?

    Curious why you don't want to use the tool changer. Can't imagine living without one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by yurirevenge View Post

    so i need to fully disable the tool change function
    You need to replace all M6 commands with M00, and comment out all Txx addresses.

    M00 stops the program for you to manual toolchange
    The Txx removal stop the carousel from rotating to pre-select a tool.

  8. #8

    Re: how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C

    Quote Originally Posted by Superman View Post
    You need to replace all M6 commands with M00, and comment out all Txx addresses.

    M00 stops the program for you to manual toolchange
    The Txx removal stop the carousel from rotating to pre-select a tool.
    Yes all that is the easy way to do it, but this isn't the first person I've seen lately wanting something like this. Seems nobody either wants to or has the ability to modify a Post or Program manually. Even though they're asking the machine to forget about half of its functions, they still want it done without any personal intervention. Go figure. Really... the time it would take to modify programs would be almost nothing. A couple text based Find & Replaces and that's it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C

    thanks all but i need to tell you some information to get the proper solution
    my machine batteries was low and all param was lost

    and i have not backup

    i make all param to mdi and move the x y z

    and input some of diagnostic param

    now when i make homing after the x y z home

    this msg appear "rotate tool drum first"

    i need to solve this problem ( knowing that the motor of magazine not working , and the machine from 1 year was working well in same case of this motor )

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C

    well the problem should not be so complicated to trace
    First of all the Fanuc 0-MC model let you see the ladder logic if the parameter 60.2 is enabled for ladder display
    next ,from my experience with so many machines,i saw that the alarms logic are created at the end of the ladder logic so you could start bu tracing the alarm from the bottom of the ladder logic
    if you have a number on this alarm just look from the bottom what line is active on the ladder when you have alarm on screen and what line goes down when you hit reset and the alarm dissapear
    in this way you can trace the line taht generates the alarm,i know ,need some time but you can do it
    after you find the line in ladder that generated the alarm,look what inputs are there,like X,i assume the alarm is generated by a senzor that needs to be read or a combination of the sensors
    when you find the X inputs,you need to look in the electrical dagram ,what means that inputby name,eg:atc sensor home or whatever
    Good luck

    PS:make photos of all pages from ladder and send to me at:[email protected] and i will have a look when i have time
    i knwo will be like 80 -90 photos but if you do not have it printed is the only way

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: how to disable tool change option Fanuc Om-C

    Quote Originally Posted by zavateandu View Post
    well the problem should not be so complicated to trace
    First of all the Fanuc 0-MC model let you see the ladder logic if the parameter 60.2 is enabled for ladder display
    next ,from my experience with so many machines,i saw that the alarms logic are created at the end of the ladder logic so you could start bu tracing the alarm from the bottom of the ladder logic
    if you have a number on this alarm just look from the bottom what line is active on the ladder when you have alarm on screen and what line goes down when you hit reset and the alarm dissapear
    in this way you can trace the line taht generates the alarm,i know ,need some time but you can do it
    after you find the line in ladder that generated the alarm,look what inputs are there,like X,i assume the alarm is generated by a senzor that needs to be read or a combination of the sensors
    when you find the X inputs,you need to look in the electrical dagram ,what means that inputby name,eg:atc sensor home or whatever
    Good luck

    PS:make photos of all pages from ladder and send to me at:[email protected] and i will have a look when i have time
    i knwo will be like 80 -90 photos but if you do not have it printed is the only way
    the parameter 60.2 is enabled for ladder display i checked and yes 60.2 is 1
    i will send you all ladder screen
    if u have whats up better

    this msg not an error like 1030 : gfgf no no n

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