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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Pminmo electronics

    I'm going to start build the Solsylva router and have been trying to figure out the electronics part along the way. To save money, I am thinking about putting together the boards Pminmo sells as a package with an interface. Has anyone here used these for their router builds? I'm in no big hurry to finish so I don't mind spending the time to build the boards, and also don't mind saving money if I can.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I built one last year. I couldn't figure out what the problem was. I threw the board away. This year I bought a new set of controllers. Playing around with them to get to fit into my printer cable and I figured out that my board from last year got errors on the pins connector.

    It would work but just go slow. I was in such a haste thinking I get it done just by following directions but skipped the important part! THE PINS@@@
    Live life like you never see another day

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by venomx999 View Post
    I built one last year. I couldn't figure out what the problem was. I threw the board away.
    Unbelievable, it's people like Harry (venomx999) that make you pull your hair out!

    Here is the thread of trying to deal with Harry: http://www.pminmo.com/phpBB/viewtopi...er=asc&start=0

    After spending hours trying to communicate with him via the thread on my website, explain you can't install chips backwards and expect them to work, etc. I volunteer to try to get the board working, all he has to do is ship it to me and include return postage. I receive this board that while the etching isn't that bad, the assembly was the absolute worst I have ever seen! Drilled holes so big there was no copper remaining, cold solder joints everywhere, solder blobs spanning pins everywhere. It looked as if the toner transfer hadn't been cleaned off the copper after it was etched.

    I must have put a dozen free hours into this guy, and he writes this!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!(chair) (flame2) :boxing:
    Phil, Still too many interests, too many projects, and not enough time!!!!!!!!
    Vist my websites - http://pminmo.com & http://millpcbs.com

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    lol calm down... take a deeeeeep breath. I know my faults... as i explained:

    "and I figured out that my board from last year got errors on the pins connector.

    It would work but just go slow. I was in such a haste thinking I get it done just by following directions but skipped the important part! THE PINS@@@"
    Live life like you never see another day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I had actually read that thread on your forum and I was getting frustrated myself. Not picking on you Harry, I may do worse than you, but I hope I can communicate a little better.

  6. #6
    ive still got three of Phil s boards to put together which i've put off for a little while , any (many)messages back and forth with him were quick and helpfull ,this is a guy who gets off on this kind of stuff and is very willing to go out of his way to any questions
    if you want to put together a board i would strongly suggest the boards on his site

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    I think pminmo is on the money..

    While I havent put together one of his boards anyone who would go through all that free support and then be active and watch these threads means there is a quality that is desired of his products. If you decide to build these I dont think you would be wasteing money or time OR have a lack of support.

    May I remind anyone who attempts to create their own boards. Regardless of the plans or the parts used if you dont take your time and be as precise as a jeweler you will end up with a ton of problems that can be hard to diagnose. You can also have a bad part going into the board. If you dont own the proper testing equipment and have some prior exp at this I would not suggest attempting the build.

    Venom said it was his fault and I think that he tried to make that clear however on this board we are all trying to make due on the cheap and rather then slam someone lets get along and continue the good help toward each other.

    You go for it and I think that pminmo will be at your side as long as your doing it right and taking your time to do it right.

    just my .002 worth

    Building Stage:[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 105%
    Finishing Stage:[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-] 95%

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I am certainly going to try to build, probably Pminmo's boards. I am trying to arrange something with him now. I do have a resource I work with that could help me, especially with the testing part of it. I wasn't trying to slam Harry, his thread was just hard to follow(from Pminmo's board).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ....sorry for any confusions you guys think i've caused ????...

    Pminmo was really helpful. I am not saying anything negative about the boards. It was my impatient and wanting things to work quick and fast. It tends to lead toward frustrations and anger then I either put it off or throw it away.

    Its nobody's fault but my own as I learned to try to calm myself down before I want to get into something instead of being all enthusiastic about it and jump the gun.

    If any of you want to make a board, it will work since my expertise is nothing compared to anyone in here.

    Thanks Pminmo for putting up alot of hours to tried to helped me with the board. It didn't work caused of my poor soldering skills and the thought that I can do anything right first time around.

    Also apologies to Pminmo for all the hair he pulled out cause by my post .

    Live life like you never see another day

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Phil is first class, not only does an open source design but provides ongoing newbie builder handholding and support - Phil it is very much appreciated! I've got to get some HV 317's then mine are pretty much done. high time to get back at the cnc, I've been distracted building T&C tooling, a box and pan break, hit and miss engine, etc etc etc.

    It would be a $$$ saver if you had a well provisioned electronics workshop, I started from scratch so had to buy a bunch of stuff along the way. Saving dough wasn't the primary goal, I wanted to diy and learn a bit about electronics.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I'm with you on that. I'm primarily building this thing as a learning experience; I don't really have a goal as to what I'm going to make with it. That's why I figured I would try to build my boards(plus trying to save money as well). I just hope Venom left Phil with enough hair to pull out while helping me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Count me in ...

    On my second attempt I am going for the DIY electronics route also. I have aquired 12 various ink jet printers and 2 large copiers so I am going to have a BUNCH of belts motors electronics and rails of various styles and types so with my first machine I will cut the wood for a JGRO build and use as much of these recycled parts as possible.

    Phil get some hair growth formula cause I am sure to get a handful or two!

    Building Stage:[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 105%
    Finishing Stage:[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-] 95%

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I have been gathering pieces also for a diy and am looking at Phil's boards. If we havn't scared him off maybe he could let me know if what I would like to do could be done and also what boards could be used.
    I would like to make a dual purpose control panel that could operate a mini mill and a foam cutter. I would like to be able to switch the electronics so they could be used for both machines. My idea is to use the same steppers for both so they are compatible. The foam software is what is giving me the problem as I am not sure which board will run gmfc or the equivalent.
    Any info with what I would like to do or can not do would be helpful.
    Thanks, John

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I have lots of hair left. :rainfro: The one thing I would ask, is people to be clear with their questions and provide me with all relevant information, and post the questions on my bulletin board, http://www.pminmo.com/phpBB/ . Probably my biggest frustration is to try to correlate communications from various venues about various topics. PM's here, threads here, my email, my bulletin board. Questions about boards on the website they are building vs. boards they have purchased from me, or their own versions of one of the website designs. It all gets very confusing. :drowning: Once a thread is started by an individual on the bulletin board I can at least somewhat follow history with a specific set of questions. :banana:

    Last and this is a request. I would also encourage those who are knowledgeable to help answer those threads or contribute articles to the wiki to help/clarify the electronics side of position control.(group)
    Phil, Still too many interests, too many projects, and not enough time!!!!!!!!
    Vist my websites - http://pminmo.com & http://millpcbs.com

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