Thank you Tom! I really appreciate the help. I probably should have diagrammed out just one axis first, to make sure I wasn't as confused as I seem to be.

I can move the switch inputs to the Konnect, no problems there.

For the momentary toggle, let me use an example of what I have in mind. I want a physical button for flood coolant on/off. I want to use a momentary switch, where one press results in a bit or a variable changing state from OFF to ON. This ON state persists until another action (button press, or M9) changes it back to OFF. A program looks at the state of the bit or variable, and activates the output for the coolant pump relay if it is ON.

I am finding the encoders to be rather confusing. None of specifications for the encoder signals I'm working with give a simple graph of the signals produced for the electronically challenged like myself. I (apparently incorrectly) assumed that the Z high and Z low were only in reference to each other with no reference to ground, and that only connecting one end would be an open circuit. If I understand you correctly, I should use JP14 pins (25,26) (27,28) etc. for the Z index pulses.

I got the Pico Systems resolver-encoder converter today, and connected the motor to the drive. The drive was able to learn the commutation and rotate the motor during setup, but faults when I try to jog it in the drive setup software. Hopefully I just have some incorrect selection in the Parker software.
