I have often dreamed about making a small CNC mill suitable for hobbyists. Indeed my own mill is my own take on an 1100/1500 style and size mill.

There are certain things which I regard as mandatory in any machine I build or would consider buying:
1) Rigid cast iron frame
2) Genuine ground C5 or C3 ballscrews, no rolled knock-offs
3) Linear rails/cars
4) Servos all axes

It must be said that with careful and clever design you can make a machine that has these characteristics at a reasonable price, but never cheaply. Even at full-on production quantities, the price may come down
but not really enough to be described as cheap. Aside from the cost of making the thing you still have to sell it at a profit.......and hobbyists are commonly allergic to paying a profit to ANYONE.

You might argue that a new Tormach 1500 is expensive....unless or until you go to make one yourself.
