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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > Uncategorised CAM Discussion > GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes
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  1. #721
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    This is the closest i have to threading with macro.

    Maybe someone can do a better one or maybe improve this one.

    You need to modify the numbers based on you machine.

    Have added all my macros in the attachment that I made for my needs. Hope they help some.


    [Thread RIGHT]
    G1 G91 F1000

    #Pitch = 1
    #Length = 1
    #Cut = 0
    #Slots = 1
    #Clear = 1
    #Feed = 10000
    #Rappidfeed = 10000

    %Inputs, Enter the following data, Pitch in mm, #Pitch, Length of slots in mm, #Length, Cut IN, #Cut, Number of slots, #Slots, Clearence, #Clear, Feed, #Feed, Rappid feed, #Rappidfeed

    #Ymax = #Length
    #Ymax / #Pitch
    #Ymax * 360

    #Index = 0
    #Index / #Slots

    while(#Slots> 0)
    G1 X-#Cut F#Feed
    G1 Y#Ymax Z-#Length F#Feed
    G0 X#Clear
    G0 Y-#Ymax Z#Length
    G0 Y#Index
    G0 X-#Clear


  2. #722
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Thank you for your work.

    How do I save a program translation change?

    If this is not possible, do you plan to make it available in the future?

  3. #723
    Join Date
    May 2023

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Hi Drweper,
    assuming you run the program in English in the third menu, after File and Edit, Extras>Program Data>Language>English_Language.txt. Open with your favorite editor by scrolling through the entries or searching for it with the CTRL+F function, edit it as you like and save. Restart GrblGru and the change will be accepted. If you have any problems just ask!

  4. #724
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Hi Cator.

    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm opening a file(Language_english.txt ), I translate and save it. But it remains untranslated at startup.If possible, please write in more detail.

    Everything worked out.Thank you very much.

  5. #725
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Thank you for your hard work. Is it possible to record a manually created move and then repeat it in the program? If so, how.

  6. #726
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Sorry for the late reply, but I've been very busy recently and was also on vacation.

    First of all, perhaps a note on the languages. As Cator has already said, each language has its own file in the folder C:\ProgramData\toe\grblgru\Language

    The structure is very simple. There are 2 columns in each line. The columns are separated by a ';'. The 1st column contains the key used in the program. It always starts with a '#' or a ' ?'. The 2nd column contains the text in the respective national language. "#" are normal short designations, "?" are used for longer ToolTips, for example.

    The order of the lines within a language file is arbitrary. If you want to create a new language, it is best to copy the language file of the English "Language_english.txt" and replace the English texts with the new texts. The file is then renamed accordingly. GrblGru recognizes all existing language files at startup and offers them in the language selection dialog


    #CM_Swap; Swap
    ?CM_Swap; Swap Upper - Lower side
    #CM_SortByX; Sort by X
    ?CM_SortByX; Sort order by X
    #FC_Reverse; Reverse
    ?FC_Reverse; Reverse Front - Backside

    If you want to add missing texts, it makes sense to first create an alphabetically sorted file. This can be achieved with the menu item "Sort Text" in the Language dialog.

    If someone has created, added to or corrected a text file, I would be pleased to receive it. Then I can make it available to all users in the next program version.

    No, unfortunately it is not possible to record manual movements and run them again if necessary.

    Congratulations, those are cool macros. If you agree, I would like to add them to the program

  7. #727
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Congratulations, those are cool macros. If you agree, I would like to add them to the program
    Yes shore. If they are OK and can be improved by you.

  8. #728

    Re: Surfacing tool and wrong picture

    Hi all!

    I finished building my MPCNC and am completely new to the world of CNC milling. I downloaded and installed GrblGru, started playing with it and could generate toolpaths for 2D milling, but I can't seem to make it work in 3D. When I select the STL -> create job: 3D rough, it displaces the object and places if far away from the bounding box/stock (dotted line) I saved a video and got a screenshot of it. What am I doing wrong?
    I watched the videos on GRBLGRU's Youtube channel but I don't yet have the hang of it. Are there any other tutorials? Step by step procedures I should follow?

    Link to the video showing the problem:

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Error.jpg  

  9. #729
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    First of all, congratulations on your quick entry into the world of CNC. However, I have to disappoint you regarding the 3D machining. You haven't done anything wrong.
    The 3D functions are not yet fully functional. I really must continue working on this topic.
    Unfortunately, I don't have the time at the moment. Sorry, as soon as I have a new status, I will report on it here.

  10. #730
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: GrblGru Troubleshooting

    Hello everyone,

    I have recently been trying to find out a bit about the production of wings from polystyrene.
    With the help of some model builders from the RC-Network forum, a new function has been added to the program.

    There is certainly still room for improvement, but a few things are already working quite satisfactorily, at least in the simulation.
    I have therefore decided to make a short video about the current status.

    The latest version V5.2.16 is available on my website.


  11. #731

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Hello all,

    I’ve designed and built a 2-Axis filament winder (x/-x linear movement and y rotational movement) and I am looking to run this with GRBL GRU. After reading the manual and playing around in the software it seems like I can import my machine design but it has to be based on existing machines in the software. Is anyone aware of any way I can modify a machine for my requirements? (i.e. Removing cutting tools and additional features I may not need?)

    Hopefully I’m not asking too much thanks!

  12. #732
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: GrblGru lathe tool path ofset

    The problem is that your machine is completely different to the previous machines in GrblGru.
    This means that you cannot use the CAM part of GrblGru at all.
    However, I see the possibility that you can use the graphical simulation in combination with the possibility to write macros yourself.
    If you provide me with your STL files, I would be able to try this out.

  13. #733

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Dear GrblGru!

    I have a problem with the editor, even if I enter the exact access to notepad++, the editor does not open with it.

  14. #734
    Join Date
    May 2023

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Hi kisjohnnie, I've tested Beta version 5.2.17 on several devices and I don't have any problems opening the editor.
    Also, what version of GrblGru did you download? It is very useful to know if it is the latest or stable version.
    In any case, I invite you to double-check the file path!

    Ps I saw that you probably use the lathe version, let's wait for GG to find out more.....

  15. #735
    Good for the lathe
    It doesn't work on 5.2.17

  16. #736
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes


    Which program version are you using ? What error message do you get ?

    Please note that there have been 2 editor inputs in the milling version for some time now.
    One for the normal things and one especially for the macros. See pic below.

    Can you please take a screenshot of your settings.

  17. #737

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Dear GrblGru thanks that's how it works!

  18. #738
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Dear GrblGru!

    I like your program and especialy the macro stuff which you call "advanced GCode". I was looking everywhere for a simple interpreter which can convert a macro description og gcode into simple gcode lines. Your solution do more or less what i was looking for. Is it possible to take a look at your C# sources which deals with macro processing?

  19. #739
    Join Date
    May 2023

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Hi @Herb22,
    if you watch the GRBLGRU grange video you will see that it refers to a work published on GitHub.
    I hope you can find what you are looking for, and publish here examples of the macros you intend to create, they could be an inspiration for many, including me .
    A greeting,



  20. #740
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Re: GrblGru: Free CAM and 3D-Simulation for mills and lathes

    Hi! We had a similar situation in our organization too. We needed to create 3D visualizations for our projects, and we turned to 3D rendering specialists. I can tell you that it has greatly improved our product presentations and helped us attract more clients. If you're interested, here's a link to 3D rendering

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