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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > CNC Machine Related Electronics > What breakout boards do people love these days?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    What breakout boards do people love these days?

    It looks like I need to replace my ancient SoundLogic board, since I can't figure out how to make it control my VFD. (It's got 6 pins sticking out of the board labled "spindle ctrl", but no indication of what they are supposed to do.) What are the favorite breakout boards people currently use? I've got 4 axes to control with mixed servo and stepper drivers. The Soundlogic board connects to a PC EPP parallel port with a 25-pin Centronics cable, but I don't suppose I'll find one like that. Do the new boards convert to USB or Ethernet, or do I need to use a separate motion controller adapter for that? The important thing is driving the VFD with on/off and variable speed. It's looking for a 1-10 volt analog signal, which (I'm guessing) is triggered by a command like M01 S12000 and turned off by a M05 or M5 command. Do I need a separate relay for the on/off function, or is the 1-10v signal all I need?

    Also, do modern BOBs deal with 5, 6 or more axes? This machine only has 4, but I've got another one in mind that will have 7: 2 for X, 1 each for Y, Z, and A, plus 2 more for a head that tilts and pivots the spindle. If 6 is the limit, can I use the X channel to power 2 drivers simultaneously?
    Andrew Werby

  2. #2

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Check out the C25XP:
    It is very simple to set up, has all the features, and also expansion capabilities.

    Arturo Duncan

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Hi Andrew - Look at dynomotion will do as you need, has excellent motion control and Tom provides excellent support. https://dynomotion.com/index.htm Kflop is 8 axes out of the box and expandable...Peter

    it has a thread here - https://www.cnczone.com/forums/dynom...kflop-kanalog/

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Thanks, Pete, I'll check it out. It looks like I'd have to buy an additional board for another $299 to control the VFD; is that correct? I was hoping to get both motion and VFD control in a single package. (The Smoothstepper board has a similar issue - it apparently needs the ESS, at an additional cost), in order to function.) But it's great to hear that Tom is actively supporting his products.

    Support is important to me when buying technically complex things like this. Are the Smoothstepper boards going to be supported by CNC4PC, or would I have to go to Warp9TD for that? I recently tried to get some help hooking up one of their older USB adapters, and found out that all support was through their forum, and that the only person who knew anything about them was not going to respond, since he was building a house. So that board, which was functional until the computer with its drivers died, had to go in the trash. It was suggested that I buy another of their products to replace it, but I demurred.
    Andrew Werby

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Hi Andrew - I don't think so but best to send Tom the question. I have not used the product yet, will use it on the next two machines in build. I have been reading the manuals and threads plus Tom has responded very rapidly to my questions. Even on Easter sunday!! I'm very impressed with the motion control and analysis side of the product. Plus its scalability and expandability... Looking forward to making a large scale printer with it once my next machine is built... which is dragging on, my minions are on an extended holiday...... Peter

  6. #6

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    The big advantage of the KFlop as that you can write code that will run in real-time on the motion controller. We have used it for a couple of projects and worked very well and the support from Dynomotion is great. But I would say it is very complex to use for most applications.

    The chineese motion controllers have been very bad for the PC-based motion control community as they have given a very bad name and reputation to these applications.

    We are the first line of support on the ESS, wiring, and Mach4. But if something is over our heads, we will take it to Warp9 or NFS.

    You can open a ticket on our website and submit info on your application and we will gladly send you recommendations and suggest a list of parts: https://cnc4pc.com/contact

    Arturo Duncan

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Depends what you want, I used before ESS and found it to complicated for my needs. This time I bought the one from the link below. Comes complete with 3 relays + printer/usb cables. Will be starting my new cnc next month. There is nothing wrong to use an old PC with a printer cable, I bought mine from a local used PC store.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Hi Andrew - I prefer to use full boards that do not use a BOB like Knighthawk full, Knighthawk Scribe or Dynomotion type controllers. All in one board, all functions from the one supplier makes support easier and wiring is so much faster and less chance of smoke.... Peter

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
    ..........Support is important to me when buying technically complex things like this. Are the Smoothstepper boards going to be supported by CNC4PC, or would I have to go to Warp9TD for that? I recently tried to get some help hooking up one of their older USB adapters, and found out that all support was through their forum, and that the only person who knew anything about them was not going to respond, since he was building a house. So that board, which was functional until the computer with its drivers died, had to go in the trash. It was suggested that I buy another of their products to replace it, but I demurred.
    On my last cnc machine the ESS support was thru Warp9TD, prompt and efficient. When I try to contact CNC4PC Arturo was nowhere to be found and the answers came thru AI must have been or some other kind of automated answering because the answers were NOT related to my questions. That's why this time I decided not to buy from CNC4PC. Not saying that the BOB I bought now will have any better support but I will solve any problems like I did before, thru my own experience or forums.

  10. #10

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?


    I am sorry to hear about the experience. I did experiment with an AI on the webchat for about a week, but not the support ticket. Maybe someday AI can help, but not now. I think that the ticket system is the best way to get a hold of me: https://cnc4pc.com/contact, as the phone is indeed difficult, but you can schedule a call: https://cnc4pc.com/schedule-a-call or reach out to us on the webchat.

    We strive to understand the customer's needs and recommend the recommendations that would work best for the customer.

    Arturo Duncan

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Hi Pete - which full boards have you had good luck with? I'm used to using a combination of BOB and separately-mounted drivers, but I could be talked out of it if there was an alternative that was simpler but still competitive.
    Andrew Werby

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: What breakout boards do people love these days?

    Hi Andrew - I tried a couple of Chinese boards that turned out to be unreliable. Bought 4 boards and 3 failed! Over the last few years I have searched for a good solid single box solution as my customers (and me) want that side of things to be simple. After the last failure I looked around again and unexpectedly found a local unit box that worked really well. They are developing it all the time and it gets better all the time. Its the Knighthawk from CNC3D. Was easy to set up can be run from a SD card even from your phone, wireless or USB. Support has been excellent, they have two or three guys always available. The control software has been easy to use and is free. They are about to release a 6 axis version. I've been using UCCNC and Fusion for a while with no issues on both.

    https://www.cnc3d.com.au/nighthawkcnc-controller I'm very happy with the KH full stack controller. Its plug and play. It also has a laser output which I used on Brevis as well.

    https://www.dynomotion.com very sophisticated control. Can be programmed for unusual kinematics, jerk control, S curve motion. Good price. Lots of axes... has its own forum in cnczone

    I'm about to use a dynomotion kflop which is a one box solution. It has 8 axes and has excellent kinematics (and excellent support) and it has a 3D printer module which I want to implement.

    Frankie - chinese one box. 24V 2A. unreliable do not use this. Plus the 24V is too low for high speed machines
    wiring tidy - typical discrete unit build. I want to stay away from this. Large space, lots of time and lots of wires to manage
    Brevis 3 - again the chinese unit. B3 is a small router I use for testing things on. Was neat and ran for a couple of years like this.
    Brevis knighthawk - 36V 4A 4 axes. Easy wiring and set up. Runs really well. Can also use the KN board to run separate drivers at higher voltage but then your back to nearly a discrete unit build. Runs wirelessly (direct wifi ie does not need a router nearby) from my laptop or phone... Note no wire from laptop to KH in the photo. Gives you flexibility to where the controller is....

    Oh Knighthawk also has a plasma control if your into that...

    Good luck - Peter

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